Saturday 3 January 2015

karma kissing you goodbye,

the way I feel & believe,

we've all both said & done things, no one is exempt from what we have done, but what seperates us from others though is growing, we have all done this or that but those who have not grown & moved from where we are, well,

those who never grew up & moved along are still out there hurting people, we all have done this or that but those who never picked up & moved along, well,

you don't ever want to have a track record of constantly hurting people & grow up & move along before the water in your soul gets too sour,

my belief, those who let the water in their heart get sour from no emotional growth, well, if you have a constant record of abuse to others without having moved along, well, no one is exempt if your heart's water has become sour, whther you are this leader here or that manager there, everybody knows somebody who knows somebody & if those bodies know who you are whether you are this national leader or that manager there everybody knows somebody who knows somebody & if those bodies have heard of your sour water whther you ar this national leader or that manager, if a body heard about those leaders nothing will stop karma & or vigilante justice from taking place,

everybody knows somebody who knows somebody & if you are the president who ordered this or that strike everybody knows somebody who knows somebody & if those bodies know who you are whether yopu are this or that leader everbody knows somebody who knows somebody,

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