Friday, 28 February 2014

The Bible & Sciences,

in the book of Revelations it says that
John saw those things on the Lord's day,

what he meant was that he saw those
things the very day the Lord got
scourged to death,

the sweating blood meant he died in
the scourge & not being crucified,

the naked ten who ran naked from Jesus
was the angel who talked to him,

like most biblical Lore, none of them were
real angels but guys who knew their
mustard to get things done that those
who are without the spirit of the Lord
upon them,

none of them were literal angels but
guys empowered by the spirit, like a
guy so dis-armingly full of charm that
he can talk you out of your first born,

these guys just had the power of God
on them & that's about it,

like Jacob wrestling with the angel all
night & getting a blessing, the Lord
took the young man's garment that
the solders later gambled for,

the sweat blood was for those who knew
what it meant, it meant that Jesus
died in the scourging, most likely after
only an hour as his hour had come,

Paul said it was disgrace for the Lord
to be associated with the cross, one
more message of the same,

the father had mercy on him & killed
him quick,

Abraham & Sarah,

she possibly couldn't bear till her possible STD
receded out of he system then she could bare,

Abraham gave her to pharaoh & all pharaoh's
house was barren,

possibly cuz the pharaoh tanged her & gave the
said STD to his house through his sex with her,

yep, the house of pharaoh was barren after
Sarah arrived, she possibly had an STD that
she gave to the house of Pharaoh, till the STD
receded from her system & she could bear
for Abraham,

everyone acts like the bible is some mythical
book & not a book of reality, as soon as a
religiodite reads the bible their intelligence
& reason goes out the window,

people think Sarah was made to hold on cuz
of some mystical reason when all it could
have been was an STD, so a pastor reads
the book & his assumption of gravity goes
out the window cuz he thinks that the sun
revolves around the earth, so people think
the stars are all spaceships in the sky & no
one is intelligent enough to know that bang
bang creates a baby & not simply sleeping
in the same bed as a woman, sex doesn't
create babies all you need to do is put a
ring on your finger a booyah your wife is

that & eating lupin flowers turns you into
a werewolf like farting clears a room cuz
they don't know the shit gas smells cuz they
don't know what a colon is, it must be a
spirit or a monster, intelligence leaves when
you read the bible cuz people think the sun
moving across the sky is not the seasons of
nature cuz nature isn't a point of reason like
eating & being full, you get full off eating
cuz you simply like food art, nope eating
won't fill you up,

yep simply putting a ring on your finger
gets your wife pregnant, & it's too reasonable
to understand the seasons as the reason for
snow or sunshine, cuz once you read the
bible you become a meat head, dead from
the shoulders up,

Christians still don't believe in science cuz the
bible says man was made from dirt so
obviously there is no 80% water huh,

a few months ago a guy I loosely knew asked
me if he meet me at jasons & we did rock, I
said nope don't remember, don't think so,

knew a girl a few months ago who asked me
if she knew me from working at the strip club,
I said nope don't remember,

a few months ago I ran into a fag & he asked
me if we met at the gym last year,

Jesus possibly a temple laborer is working on
the spire & his work mate says do you think
we could jump off here & live, Jesus said you
know what if I had a parachute I wouldn't
need it for the last 2 or three feet so lets jump

if the devil showed up to tell Jesus to jump
off the temple pinnacle do you think he could
have showed up the way he did in Peter when
Peter told the Lord he would never die, yet
Jesus rebuked the devil in Peter,

each one of those temptations could have
& was most likely the devil in those people
who like Peter had the devil in them,

most likely the devil tempted Jesus no
different than the devil in peter rebuking the
Lord for him saying he would die,

I seriously doubt the devil showed up
in horns hair & wings, doubt it, most likely
no different than the devil in Peter rebuking
the Lord for saying he would die, no hair,
no horns, no wings, just reality,

a guy shows up on the television & is a bad
person & he says to the jewish anchor that
he knew the grand children of a few
sturmabteilung enscripted, the jew's eye light
up & he looks scared,

a guy walking down the street sees a hot chick
& looks her in the eye, he is a spousel abuse
for his wife, he looks at the woman on the street
& he spits on the ground, she tightens up,

Jesus is a top the temple putting up the spire
& his work mate says, hey you're so tough
jump you idiot,I'm tired of your holier than
thou attitude, Jesus says, I'm not so stupid to
test my god why don't you jump fool,

people act as if the horns hair wings have to
make the seen for the devil to arrive,

Jesus you will never die, listen to me, you
will never die cuz we need you for a physical
kingdom to rule the earth & fight the Roman,

Jesus says, you know what Peter you're a
fool if you think I came for a kingdom of the
flesh, go stick it up your as fool & Satan get
behind me,

the only way that satan can show up is by
horns tail & wings unless you are a student
of reality & that the spirit of the demonic
can be in the host of a person & speak
through said Peters Pauls & johns,

No one thinks a 120 years of cuttimng
down gopher wood trees will change the
atmosphere of the planet huh, God told
Noah to make an ark yippee, in kindegarten
you know what a sand box is, in grade one
you know what 10 is, in grade 3 you know
how to spell something, in grade 12 you can
write the chemical equation of Lysergic acid

A guy starts trimming trees cuz a guy in his
school talked about steriods so after
20 - 30 years of playing around he finally
came up with a cocktail for nice lean mass,
it took him 20-30 years of jacking around
before he scored though,

a guy starts trimming gopherwood trees,
the regulars around steal his timbers & use
them to smelt iron for weapons, he feels a
chill in the air, sees clouds over the years,
the ground is drying out, after a 120 years
the atmosphere changes due to no forests
or the smoke in the atmosphere & dalia day,
it begins to rain,

no one thinks that the bible is a book of
reason or high sciences unless like paul said
you can rightly divide the scriptures,

there is no such thing as seasons, it's all
held in place like a savior who never ate
or drank or dighteid his diaper, it's al an
illusion, the stars are spacfeships & the
sun revolves around the earth,

oh ya, jesus never broke a sweat or never
washed his hands after he shat, he just
floated around & acted like a pufter,

the sweat blood & spear in the side was
allegory for his death, he most likely died
after, his hour had come, dead after an
hour of scourging & no cross, what sweat
blood huh, nope he died in the hour of
scourging, his hour came, no cross, sweat
blood spear in the side,

died of the hour of scourging & no cross,
the guy was a man, I'm sure he was relieved
to know he'd be scourged & be able to
pass on the cross, the mercy of the Father

when the demoniac cursed Jesus I imagine
he was very unsettled at what he heard, the
voice of a demon speaking through the guy,
like a guy joking about jumping off the spire,
he was probably very unsettled for a long
time till he got the fullness of the scourge &
know that most likely after an hour of that
he'd be dead,

I too hear spirits speak to me & believe
me you don't want that gift cuz it is very
scary,I won't say what they've been telling
me, very scary, devils know how to get
your goat, if you heard what I hear you'd
commit suicide, very scary, I totally believe
Jesus lived with a lot of fear over devils
cursing him constantly, a lot of fear over
those threats, oh ya, it's scary alright,

when the scourge stareted he would have
known the pass was soon, I believe as per
scripture, "grew in stature & favor with
God & man that he was a vey massive
guy like a wrestler, bigger than anyone
else, very strong & a temple laborer, they
would have enjoyed breaking a guy as
big as him, but the scourge was a mercy
from God as he never would have hung
but no doubt died as his hour would come,

oh ya, prolly beat a lot of guys p swearing,
stoned, possibly died in stoning like Paul
was, but tough as a mother fucker, they
would have enjoyed breaking him, but
here in lays the mercy of God the Father
as he would no doubt have died as his
hour came,

I believe that all involved in the scourging
ended up getting terminate to close the
chapter on those involved,.

it's my belief that if you let cancer run it's full blossom that
it recedes & disappears on it's own like flowers, grows
matures, blossoms & recedes, most diseases are like this
I believe, it's the trauma of surgery & the health practices
that kill the patient not the diseases, nice huh,

no different than the possible STDs that Sarah may have
had that receded one day to finally let her bear a child,
the possible STD she had may have receded & returned
to the health of her body, all it took was the possible
STD to blossom & receded,

even washing your feet a few times a day makes a big
difference or bathing in red wine, for a few days I
washed my feet in some red,

assuaging the gods by pouring out beer or wine on areas
that deer graze in, yep you hear it through the grape vine,

I imagine for the 10th curse on Egypt that a lot of the
hebrews never would have wanted to waste a good
lamb on blood for the lintels,i bet a lot of Hebrews
lost their 1st born, that one lamb was too much too
waste on magic & fluff like a death plague, oh ya,I
bet most Hebrews wouldn't have wasted a good
lamb on the lintels so money hungry for wealth, why
waste a good stock for blood on the lintels,

I bet most of the Egyptians knew that mythology &
took care while the Hebrews hated the idea of
throwing money out the window with blood on the
lintels, I bet the Egyptians knew that mythology for
such an act though,

if any of those guys don't have a woman or bird strong
enough to teach them they might as well all be a
bunch of grunts on the bottom level & no real
awareness of the greater scenario of the possibilities
of reality,

if non of them have a strong enough bird to teach them
they all might as well be uneducated guys trying to
build a skyscrapper with a pile of sand,

the woman is the lime & slake, but if all you
have is a guy a sleep you'll have no cohesion to form
the structure,

no different than the parable in the first conan film with
Arnold, if all you have is a sword you have nothing,
what you need is the hand to raise the sword, or all you need
is a hand for fisticuffs,

a glove alone is nothing without the hand inside it to
give the glove power & ability, the glove alone are
like guys trying to bang your wife off a ring & no
sex, if you have no hand the glove is worthless, with
only a ring you have nothing without something
in the condom, I call this the parable of the Serpent,
basically the entire story of the Bible, women birds,
demonic spirits or the holy ghost who is the phoenix
of birds, the epitome of a powerful bird,

Jesus saying people would be get married or be
given in marriage, it's all about women & birds,
that's it,that is the test to see whether you really
know what a woman is or not, Daniel 11:37, do
you really know what a woman is or do you think
most guys like in Daniel 11:37 are fags, the true
test to see your intelligence & if you truly know
what a woman is when being confronted if you
know r just think you know,

are you a guy who can handle a gun in the pressures
of war or are you the type who drops your weapon
for unskilled & false bravado & no instincts or the
lack of training or just plain error to never know
an apple when you see one but you know the name
& that's about it, do you know the word bitches
but don't know what one looks like, about it,

milk before lemon juice or acids, I wanna see if it
activates the hormones & steroids in the beef,

I belive Jesus was a realist no different than
Noah one day realizing the clearing of forests
would one day bring rain, the 3 temptations
of 1John 2:16 & the ascent of the temptations
in Isaiah or Hosea in the Oak,poplar &
nightmare on elm street, the 3rd is death, like
Jake's character on Prince of Persia, the 3rd
step is the hardest, I bet you bell bottom dollar
that Jesus drank a lot of Elm leaf tea as an
affront to his coming death,

possibly a realist & scientist & architect possibly
who may have either been a laborer or tech
for the construction of the temple, oh ya, I bet
he was very intelligent using sciences on himself
as an affront to rising from the dead, possibly
drinking elm leaf tea or other things he knew
of sciences or construction et al, he may have
prepared his body through science as an
affront to his death, like Noah in time realizing
what clear cutting would do to the atmosphere,
in time leaning like the grades in school til the
crescendo meets the final acts waited for &
being prepared for,

like on Thor the dark world, Thor says science &
magic are one in asgard, but I push it one more,
science, magic & psychology are one, basically
the whole of what you could call sorcery or
witchcraft, or really if you understand, the tools
Jesus used in his way, you know what call it
warfare & not a scary word like witchcraft,

basically plain old warfare,

gibberish isn't tongues, it is angelic language,
basically the entire bible is a book of tongues,
you could say that an allegory is tongues, that's
as simple as you can say it,

kissing the hand like a rosiry is taken from
the days before Job, in the book of Job he
says he doesn't pass by & kiss his hand,
this is a holla to the cruxing of people as
thus was a sacrifice to the sun gods like
Moloch or Lucifer who is the commonly
known solar Deity,

people pass by a guy on the cross & they
kiss thier hand, in I believe it is Corinthians
I could be wrong, Paul says it is a shame
for Jesus to be associated with or hang o0
a cross cuz basically in those days cruxing
wasn't just a punishment but a sacrificial
rite for those sun gods like Moloch,

The cross is also called a Tau which is
basically just a T, Paul says it is a shame for
the Lord to be associated with a cross cuz
essentially it is the Son og Jehovah sacrificed
to the Sun God Moloch who is an enmity
to Jehovah, all the games in Vespasian s
Amphitheater or commonly called the
Colosseum were games as a sacrificial rite
to gods like Diana, basically the games
were deffo entertainment but also as a
sacrificial rite to mainly Diana, the goddess
of the hunt, another translation of Isis or
Ishtar or Astarte or Ashtaroth, or today

I am lead to believe that April Fool's day
is a mock on Jesus they fool they cal,
possibly being hung on such a day, my
theory on April 1st,

mental illnes is basically people in the wilderness
no different than Jesus, mental illness is basically
people trying to wrangle strong birds or women,
that is mental illness in a nutshell, the wilderness
no different than Jesus in his 40 days, & the
beasts which were just bulls etc trying to give him
one of their women instead of him receiving the
holy ghost, those beasts he fought were all bulls
trying to train him in their ways, dat it yo,

the parable in Conan by James Earl Jones'
character is basically the whole bible, women
or birds, basically, nope, essentially the entire
bible is about women or birds, do you see
pastors talking about it though, nope, scum
pastors acting up pharisees & hiding the true
meaning of the bible which is pure & totally
about women or birds or the room in eastern

what pastors don't know what a bird is, then
you aren't full enough to teach, cuz the entire
bible is about the room or birds, all Jesus ever
talked about was the room, hence Revelations
3:20, pure the room or women, people getting
married or given in marriage, yep, bitches or birds,

a message I sent to Arnold Schwarzeneggars site

the parable that James EarlJones said in the
Original motion Picture of Conan is pure scripture,

the entire bible is that one parable,

the entire bible is about birds or women or prostitutes,

Jay said that the prostitutes & tax collectors would
enter heaven before the righteous,

if you don't know what a woman is you don't know
what a prostitute is, & Paul said the saved would
judge creation, sounds like tax collectors to me huh,
the big secret of church is that pastors neglect talking
about Jesus message which was all about women &
birds, all Jesus spoke of was in allegory of birds or
women but pastors neglect that, why,

if pastors don't know what a bird is they have no salt,
if they know & don't expose it then their salt has lost it's saltiness,

if pastors don't talk about birds they are no disciple of the Lord's,

Revelations 3:20, booyah, the room that even Baghuan
Rajnesh spoke of in the eastern meditation, the room or birds or no hand, all the same thing,

no hand the room is all about the birds or Siddhartha & the budhha in Herman Hesse's book, it's all women so why don't pastors talk about it, in Jesus day & still now they keep the dirt under the rug & don't expose these things whyI don't know but I do know it is full of wickedness that they do this for,

go in peace brother, please spread this word, most people who think they are unsaved are actually saved & don't know it,

pastors though & religiodites, nope, no way, if you know the secret of the word & don't share it you are blinding people for the truth of the scriptures,

yep, the parable of the serpent as I call it, my god, one of the most beautiful scenes in modern film, god, that film was massive, revolutionary for it's time & even now in the days of pomp & circumstance,

yep, birds, the entire bible, Jesus talking about the room& of women& birds,

peace brother,

share this, it has more than what I gave you here, it will blow UR nuts away, haha, god read if you want some scientific answers to the scriptures,I know you are very exceedingly intelligent, this post on my blog will speak to that, a common sensibility, big on intelligence & reason & realism,

the entire realism in hollywood is from my emails & twitters to studios, Heracles with KellanLutz, the realism is mine, I sent them snipets of my experiences & the realistic stuff for heros,

check this,I have badgered @USAgov & @mossadii for a realistic Capt America, you know when some quit smoking they gain weight, well weaponize it to bulk military with 30-40-50 lbs of mass & train in the leau for solid gains, & to switch right & left ear buds on MP3 players, the switch forces the 2 hemisphers to learn the change of structured sound forces a learning curve, intelligence senses even consciouness, unless you do it on a regular basis you can't understand how huge it is, takes a bit of time to add up, switch back & forth, but yep, a trained mind the corpus colosum it's self explanatory & boy if you do it long enough the consciouness awareness even, god it's huge,

contemplate, weaponized cigarettes & the era buds a realistic Capt America, weaponized cigarettes, massive huh, yep realistic capt america bro,

massive huh, oh ya dude,

peace to your house friend & a guy who taught me alot just by you being you,


mental illness is basically people in the wilderness
trying to wrangle their birds no different than Jesus
in the wildness for 40 day, if yiu have a strong bird
it takes you through the wilderness, the beasts that
Jesus fought in the wilderness were bulls who are
guys who took a demonic bird at the cross roads,
the beasts he fought were guys trying to give him
one of their birds, there, that is the wilderness &
mental illness, booyah,

when Jesus told the parable of a man & his death
that his wife is free to remarry, this was his point
over his death, Jesus death was the divorce writ
for Jacob to be free to marry another cuz the
murder of Jesus was the divorce writ & now Jacob
is without the Lord as a husband cuz his death
was the divorce writ, yep, Jacob got seperated
from their husband in Jesus death,

I know you'll appreciate this my friend,

the bible is a book of scientific secrets,

wine glass with a 20 gram weight on the

the nation of Jacob walks around Jericho
7 days & the earth's orbit stops to create
24 hours of day,

a wine glass with a 20 gram weight on it,

imagine if everyone threw all their gold
into the ocean like I believe will happen
one of these days,

you nut s guy's toe, will he walk the same,

a wine glass with a 20 gram weight on it,

a book of scientific secrets, if you are
realistic when you read it, it ain't about

Matthew 21: 31

Which of the two did the will of his father?
” They said, “The first.” Jesus said to them,
“Truly, I say to you, the tax collectors and
the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God
before you

prostitutes are that of women or birds or
the demonic while the tax collectors are
the human saved, unless you know what
a woman or bird is this is over your head,

the bible is a book of sciences not UFOs
the way most pastors teach,

the most simple way to explain these two
parables of Y'shua, the prodigal son is
about returning to the Lord after death to
be judged it's not redemption is it the gutting
of a bull in judgement as he returns to the
Father to be judged for his sin,

the 5 wise & foolish virgins is the same as
what Vlad Dracul did, make a banquet for
the poor nail the door shut & burn down
the barn, there two parables done,

medusa being decapitated, in Genesis the
heel of the woman will bruise the head of
the serpent, the woman dies but the power
of the serpents still kill the Kraken who
could possibly be Y'shua,

high heels to keep the heel of the woman
of the head of the serpent, hunters cutting
the head of the serpent off, hair of women
in updos,

the 4 rivers of Eden, Pison or Pisces or Jesus
the white,

& Gihon of Ethiopia or Nijjarios, Lucifer the one
born off the banks of the Gihon in Ethiopia, the
very first African born, as Isaiah says you can't
change your color of skin like the Ethiopia or
the spots like a Cheetah & so neither can you
do good,

if you are racist to blacks, well the very first
African was Lucifer, eat that,

the 7 kingdoms of the Canaanites that Jacob
never conquered are 7 arch devils in reality
with the 8th being the kingdom of Egypt,

there is script in the torah part of the bible
that talks about this, the 8th hidden is that
of Egypt, I am lead to believe there are 7
arch devils with the crown being the elements
of El Diablo, Lucifer, Satan

basically the word Satan means accuser &
that's about it,

unless you've been blazed by the holy ghost
you'll never get a thing out of the bible, only
the living can interpret the scriptures, if you
are dead to the word what will a cadaver
do to grow & learn, they are mute,

I imagine due to my severe exhaustion from the
last three years & the last year of vomiting &
suffocating on my new medication colozapine,
if I under went a surgery or formal torture I'd
easily die fast & furiously from the trauma,

1 = light = the key to family, to open, alpha
3 = body fullness
4 = to break forth
5 = unity
6 = man
7 = whole
8 = complete
9 = unwhole
10= perfection
99 = incomplete
100 = birth
60 = perfection in man
400 = break forth in birth
666 = birth of the perfection of man
777 = birth of the whole in perfection
77 = perfectly whole
9 = incomplete
99 = the perfection of being incomplete
1000 = Oxen, God, Omega,

my knowledge of numerology just started to
blossom when I got pinched & locked up the
psyche ward for around 8 or 9 months,

each day of creation for those of mammals or
trees or that in the ocean are allegorical of those
men who are symbolized by those creatures,
Trees are all a type of men in allegory, this is
why Jehovah told Jacob not to clear cut areas
they had conquered, in the gospels a blind
man in his healing said he saw men as trees
walking, one more arrow in the quiver for
those who want to save the nature & habitat
of the forests,

those who clear cut or hunt or are butchers will
never pass to life, I imagine Jesus hated eating
lamb cuz he knew that was him, he probably
prefered beef to eat out of the judgement of the
prodigal son & the death & gutting of bulls being
the wicked in symbolic,

dunno if I posted this yet but I imagine Jacob
lost a lot of their first born in the 10th plague of
Egypt cuz they didn't wanna waste a good lamb
but putting it's blood on the lintels, but i bet you
9 out of ten that the Egyptians knew that tale
from their mythologies & a lot of Egyptians
put blood on their doors, it was probably a
familiar myth to them,

in the book of revelations those of the locusts
that have stingers is like this, the locusts are
those of the righteous & have long hair as a
woman meaning the righteous have the
powers of those who have women they
have the power of those in the ascent of
the power of the wicked being a scorpion,
the ascent of power of the wicked are
stone, serpent & yep the top a scorpion,

so the rigyteous in the last days will have
the same power scorpions have in their
power with a woman, the mouths of lions
for that of Y'shua being the lion & having
his tongue & handle on language & the
gift of tongues which is basically the
re-iteration of allegories, they will afflict
the wicked & the wicked will not be
able to die which means they will never
be saved no matter how hard they may

in the book of Thessalonians that of the
great falling away has been lost in
meaning for ages, back in Paul's day
they would have understood it but the
meaning got lost over the yep Millennial
reign, after Y'shua died the Millennial
reign began, anyway, the great falling
away that Paul talked about was a
falling away from sin & those falling
away becoming saved,

if you actually really understood the
scriptures people wouldn't hate so
much, in the book of Daniel those
who are described as wicked are
actually righteous beings, the little
horn is a man after the Lord's heart,
cuz the powers in heaven he is
talking about are those in the top
echelons of human power or
government, the defiance of the
wickedness of men's kingdoms,

I read a lot of an Aramaic New
Testament translation & the word
Elohim was fluttered back & forth
from that of Jehovah & that of
Lucifer, unless you are sensitive to
the spirit you can't divide the word
rightly as Paul said, in one of the
books of the kings or summat,
Naaman called Solomon Jedediah
cuz the lord favored him, this lord
wasn't that of Jehovah but Lucifer,
not every time the scriptures say
lord or Elohim does it mean Jehovah,
you need the blaze of the holy ghost
to discern the scriptures,

in the torah part of scripture it says
that the lord stayed at the inn
waiting to kill Moses, that wasn't
the father Jehovah but the lord
Satan, like I said just cuz it says
lord or Elohim does it stand for

one of those heads deadly wounded
was that of Y'shua who rose again,
it is allegory for Y'shua, again miss
interpretation due to the wicked
inclinations of men in power, it also
means the last man who will have
a deadly wound to his emotional
awareness or consciousness &
wake up & be blazed by the holy
ghost & wake up in terms of
awareness & consciousness,

the first beast is the Lord & the
second beast with the mouth of
a dragon is basically the same
story of the righteous being the
locusts, he has a command on
speaking in the spirit that is like
the power of a scorpion stinger
or the powers of the wicked
with their women, he is basically
a man after the Lord who has
the same powers of the wicked,
as pre Y'shua the righteous lived
by the sweat of their brow while
the wicked had the power of the

& pretty much the only reason
the father sent Y'shua was that
in the holy ghost now entering
the scene that the righteous would
have the same & greater power
than that of the crossroads in the
baptism of the fire of the holy ghost,

Y'shua's talk on divorce was an allegory
of his divorce from Isarel as he was
their husband but on his death was the
divorce writ for Israel, & in his death
he was divorced from Israel so they
could marry another,

god talked to Noah huh, if I were a
laborer on the spire of the temple &
the guy I was with were like Peter &
said wow, Jesus you're so holy &
cool why don't you jump off the
temple cuz the angels love you so
much cuz you are so cool, maybe if
you jump the angels will catch you,

so Jesus tells peter to get thou behind
my Satan cuz you don't know god's
plan, so Noah cuts down a few trees
to make a fishing boat & then he
decides he wants a yacht, so his wife
says, love it I'd love a yacht to fish
from, so Peter as Noah's wife tells
Noah to build a yacht & after a while
Noah gets the idea to travel with a live
stock so he begins to build an ark to
travel with then he sees clouds forming
as he trims more trees & then he thinks
what if it rains, so in here the ark is born,

in the end people will be getting married
& given in marriage, this will be a holy
thing, the righteous will be getting married
& being given in marriage, the book of
revelations 7 end time messages are for
the holy & a promise for them to succeed
& to rise, the end of days will be the turn
of the righteous to prevail & not the wicked,

in Noah's day the wicked were in triumph
but in the end of days the promise will be
for the righteous to prevail, end days
messages are for the promise of the
righteous to prevail, the new Nephilim
will be the righteous unlike how it was in
Noah's day, the righteous will prosper in
marriage which is being baptized by the
holy ghost & not the regular women
who are demonic,

in the end the Lord says people will be
getting married & be gicven in marriage,
this is that for the promise of the righteous
to meet the holy ghost at the crosssroads
& more to be baptized by the holy ghost
than that of wicked women, in the end of
days the righteous will become the powers
of the Nephilim cuz the end of days is for
the promise of the holy not the wicked,

it has been said the end will be bad for
the saved but those who say that aren't
in alignment of the truth of the message
which is the saved to prevail & succeed,
in the end is the redemption of the holy
& their succeeding, no mass slaughters
of the holy but of them in triumph,

bulls or the ascent of the powers of the
wicked in stone to serpent to scorpion
are at enmity to Oxen or the ascent to
the powers of the righteous in bread to
fish to egg,

basically an oxen which I am is the
power of the holy ghost, those oxen or
those empowered by the holy ghost
are at enmity to the bull or stone or
serpent or scorpion, if you desire the
power of the holy ghost you basically
have one chance at the crossroads
to decide,

if you bull or scorpion that was your
one chance, you can't track back to
Ox yourself, if you were wicked like
Paul you have a chance but if you
were a religiodite & slipped you had
your chance,

Paul is the image for bulls to transverse
the crossroads, but it took him through
a vast of trials, if you desire the powers
of the holy ghost & you are a bull or
the ascent in a scorpion don't even bother
you'll never get it,

one chance at the crossroads to decide,
if you are a bull or the ascent of the
wicked in being a scorpion you'll get
nothing of the holy ghost, the holy ghost
is at enmity to bulls stones serpent or

you can't track back the crossroads to
get the holy ghost, if you so desire, the
holy ghost is on the opposite side of
that of stone serpent scorpion or bull,
you'll never get the holy ghost,

oxen is the last letter in hebrew & it means
1,000 or the power of God Jehovah, at
enmity to the ascent of the wicked in
stone serpent scorpion or bull, you
can't train oxen they do as they will,

it's the inclination of the heart that
decides the becoming a bull or oxen,

men create bulls, Jehovah creates Oxen,

the 1st beast of Revelations 13 is that of the
Lord Y'shia who died & came back from
the dead, the second beat with horns of a lamb
& the mouth of a dragon is the second prophet
who uses his power to make men worship the
Lord who is the first beast,

his mouth like a dragon is the term for his power
& his mouth being used for judgement against the
wicked, the inclinations of the wicked & pastors
or the religious who translated the scriptures did
so in error, you can bank on every monster
in scriptures being holy & sent from the Lord,

the beast who had the fatal wound & recovered
is that of the Lord Y'shua, the second beast is
the second prophet who makes all men bow
down to the Lord & confess that he is Lord,

the sour wormwood that kills people isn't
literal but allegorey for those who took a
sour spirit at the crossroads & in so their
spirit died, the burned up trees & grass
are all a type of person, as when a blind
was being healed by Y'shua the blind said
he saw men as trees walking, this is a sign,

in the torah part of scripture the Father
Jehovah told Jacob not to clear cut in those
areas they conquered cuz they were trimming
themselves a tree or grass as a type of
person & now their land is barren& desert,

part of what King Hyram said to Solomon
conned Solomon to clear his own forest to
make the temple, yep, Hyram conned
Solomon out of his own forests in Israel,

when Jesus spoke of people needing to eat
his body & drink his blood, this was a modern
practice in those days as the jewish were
cannibalistic, any who hung were eaten by
the ruling Pharisees,

the reason those who fell away was cuz they
were under the impression that Jesus came
for a physical kingdom & they thought how
do we have a king out of you if we need to
eat you, this is why so many fell away so fast,
cuz he was speaking on their terms of his death,

when Jesus said they needed to eat his body
& drink his blood they knew he was speaking
in the terms of crucifixion, & that was how his
rule would begin, so they all packed it in &
left cuz how does a dead rule, but his kingdom
is not of this world he told Pilate,

his early followers thought he was gonna be
a fleshly literal humanistic rule & not a thing
of the spirit which what Jesus was trying to
explain in the terms of how he would die
being how his kingdom would rule,

I am lead to believe that when Naaman was
healed Elisha's servant cojouled his men into
helping him eat Naaman & in so garnering
the power of his cleansing, but little did he
know the results, they were cannibalistic
back then like eating the heart of your
enemy for power rites,

leprosy is near created by one thing, cannibalism,

peter get though behind me satan,

then satan told Jesus to jump the
temple ledge who told him was it
peter or the devil in peter, how
the devil tell Jesus to eat or bow
down, was it the devil, I trust
people just not the devil inside them,

peter get though behind me satan,

just an insighjt, 4 women with not right
flora & fauna, try eating a 5 - 7 tbsp of
honey everyday to purify the system,

if a woman is in an STD situation see if a
copious amount of honey will blaze your
yaya & clean it out in terms of the microbial
attachments of honey especially Australian,
can't recall the name, but really try
something un pasteurized,

if porn studios go up in flames then the entire
global under ground economy will flatten the
worlds of finance & luxury, if porn goes
down then the entire world of economy &
finance will take a massive blow to the nuts,
porn is the globe's entire under ground
economy & if porn takes a blow to the
chuzpaz then the entire planet will get it's
nuts handed to them,

I wonder if there were a dam holding water
back from the plains of Sodom & Gomorrah
& that part of the light up for them was a
dam being broken & the valley being filled
in, just a guess, for the creation of the
dead sea,

my guess at John & the revelation of the
Apocalypse is whether someone slipped
him a mickey & he got re acquainted
with all the words he heard from the lord,
that the visions were by a drug cocktail
someone slipped him & it opened up to
him the remembrance of the words of the
Lord & it all came out in the way the
book was written as if it were a psychadelic
given him without him knowing & he
channeled the message that the opening
of the portal in his mind got in touch with
due to the cocktail he may have been given
& the remembrance of the Lord made the
message as he wrote it,

the remembrance of the Lord & his words
brought out this channeled message in terms
to the remembrance of the words of the Lord,

my reason for this psychedelic cocktail
is that I have a person breaking into my
place on a regular basis with the aid of
the local police & they are spiking my
food & this is like being baptized by the
holy ghost & it opens channels for the
intellect & creations on the vanguard of
sciences, possibly if not for who ever is
breaking in & spiking my food with the
aid of the local police I'd not have the
knowledge & insight or intellect I have of
scripture & sciences,

I wonder if Jesus melted & re-created
reality out of clay as I imagine his drink
& food could have been spiked with
psychedelics like Mandrakes,& the
reason Jesus became God was cuz those
who spiked his food & drink with
psychedelics created a situation where
Jesus was able to divide the lines &
create a new plastic world off the division
of his days in the wilderness & the
dividing of the psychedelic & that of
reality & he was able to divide & create
out of it by placing a part from the
psychedelia into the reality world &
some from the reality world into the
psychedelic & that he was able to
divide both worlds & remake them
together in parts to create a new
world to even raise him from the dead
with the spiritual portals being opened
to the world of reality & he was able
to create a new creation with one hand
& foot in the spiritual like world of the
psychedelic & a hand & foot in the
world of contemporary know realty,

possibly the spiking of Jesus food &
drink allowed him to remold reality in
a plastic fashion to even raise himself from
the dead off the creation of a new reality
he made from the drugs possibly given him
that he altered reality to do the things he
did by cracking spiritual portals through
the possible him being drugged by
psychedelics & this gave him the power
to divide & alter the two or more realities
given him,

edited now 18-12-2013 11:23 PM
tonight saw lotta shaznitat going down
in the spirit, not fairies & monsters but
reading the activities I encountered
tonight, nope no monsters just reading
the activities & happening on this night,
reading between the lines on what I
experienced tonight,

oh baby, get ready cuz shaznitat is going
down, get ready to see the Lord in action,
if you are strong enough in the Lord you'll
be able to divine the situations you are in to
read in a divinsion of the spirit & the flesh what
the Lord is doing in your life & those around you,

get ready to see the Lord russle things up,
if I told you what I saw tonight & what it meant
if you are in the Lord, oh boy, you'll love the
next while as to when the Lord begins to
pull through in our lives what he showed me


how much porn & christian media one
brand like Viacom has,

what, where am I supposed to get clean water,

if people have a problem with gravity don't
bother brining it to me I never created it,
I( just laugh at those who have no handle
on realithy the way it was created to weed
out the idiots for those who have a modicum of

how many in positions of power thought
God wanted them to kill people,one of
Jerry Falwells last quotes was I hope George Bush
blows em all away in the name of the Lord,

so who was his God, hmm,

if I don't know what I'm talking about don't
bother dropping by to ask me anything then,

what the pillar of american health doesn't smoke,
go watch a film bruv,

if Jerry Falwell likes people dead maybe he's
finally enjoying himself, see ya bro,

Matthew 7:15

King James Bible
Beware of false prophets, which come to
you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they
are ravening wolves.

Joshua wasn't just talking about false prophets
but from Genesis 49:27

King James Bible
Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning
he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall
divide the spoil.

revelations 13

The Beast out of the Earth
11 Then I saw a second beast, coming out of
the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it
spoke like a dragon.

12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast
on its behalf, and made the earth and its
inhabitants worship the first beast, whose
fatal wound had been healed.

13 And it performed great signs, even causing
fire to come down from heaven to the earth
in full view of the people.

14 Because of the signs it was given power to
perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived
the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them
to set up an image in honor of the beast who
was wounded by the sword and yet lived.

15 The second beast was given power to give
breath to the image of the first beast, so that
the image could speak and cause all who
refused to worship the image to be killed.

16 It also forced all people, great and small,
rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a
mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,

17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they
had the mark, which is the name of the beast
or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who
has insight calculate the number of the beast,
for it is the number of a man.[e] That number is 666.

the wolf in sheeps clothing is that of the
second beast, he has the mouth of a dragon,
he is Genesis 49:27,

he is not a wicked but another form of prophet,

he is sheep trully but like that of Elijah he
uses the power of God as a weapon to
destroy the wicked,

the second beast with the horns of a lamb
& the mouth of a dragon is like unto how
Elijah was, in being of the Lord but viscious
to the wicked,

the mouth of a dragon is the visage of a righteous
who speaks power, not as a wicked but as it
were having the powers of the Lord through the
same power as the wicked used to have,

the mouth of a dragon is the idea that he
has no mercy fort the wicked & destroys
the way Elijah did with fire from heaven,

the second beast a righteous creates a tension
that all will worship the first beast who is
the Lord & how as Y'shua died he revived
from his death, & the second beast who is
the character most call the anti-christ,
but if you look at Daniel 11:37 & you
know what a woman is, he rebuffs the
women who come to tempt him like
they tried to tempt Jesus,

in Daniel the little horn speaks blasphemy
against the powers of heaven, this is of the
Son of Perdition who is code named, &
he speaks actually versus the top eschalons
of human powers not actually that of heaven
but the top tiers of human power, the top
tiers of human power here are called the
powers of heaven, all code or tongues,
the term for tongues is better called allegory
& the whole bible is a book of tongues,
code & allegory,

the wolf is sheeps clothing is a righteous
who in the sheep is viscious to the wicked,
he is not a wicked but a type of sleeper to
awake & dstroy the wicked & any who
do not worship the Lamb wgho is the first

god would never give the wicked the ability
to rise from the dead, why would he, his
son Jesus was the wounded head who revived,

the seven heads for the spirits, the horns, go
investigate, it is the Lord, all those monsters
thought wicked are the righteous finally taking
control & using the same form of powers the
wicked used to use,

if a guy with long hair were a wicked & he
killed people, god would create a monster
with long hair & steal the visage of the long
hair as a form of the power, if the guy had long
hair & a spear, god would give his code guys
long hair & spear in the vision,

the the wicked had pack dogs to hunt, God
would create a vision where the righteous
had dogs to hunt, the locusts with stingers,
yep, the ascent of spiritual powers for the
wicked are stone serpent & scorpion, so
god gives the vision of the righteous with
powers of a scorpion cuz he will never
leave his own unprotected or unarmed,

has god ever raised a wicked person from
the dead, pfft,

the guy who ended the 7 years peace treaty
was Judas at the death of Jesus, & after that
there was war, before Jesus the wicked were
in control but after Jesus died & gave out the
holy ghost then there was war,

the Millenial reign began at the cross,

do people think that God is going to
equip the wicked, don't be stupid,

the locusts with the hair of women is the
term for the wicked & their women & that
the righteous would also rule with the like
power of women, if you know what a
woman or bird is, then you catch my drift,
the mouths of lions, meh, the Lion of Judah
& his power,

not a bank, not an arrow,

most likely the angels sent to Babel & Sodom
& Gomorrah were just men & not literal angels,

if they were men they were guys who knew
their mustard & did a little dance & jig &
boom everything fell apart,

if they were just men, yep like Melchexzidek,
knew their mustard & knew how to talk &
act in order to create the dissolution of the
cohesion of those societies,

like Joshua might have conned people into
think if they all got cruxed that they could
rise & be gods,

a virus they created in the social consciousness,
like telling everyone about Y2K & people
losing their nuts, I imagine even Y2K saw
an amount of people on medication out of
the fire & hysteria of the fear mongering,

like guys who try to assasinate the pope
or Reagan, people falling for the bait,

the jesus I never knew

in a day when the state of Israel ruled
by the Roman Empire was at a reluctant
peace due to the Roman over see of power,

a day when there are upstarts trying to stir
a nation to fight back control from the Empire,

terrorists rising from the land of Israel trying
to create a rally to take back their nation,

one by one new leaders being bred by the
Pharisees to take the heat & make a move
to separate from the Roman Empire,

the days, small factions in the desert coming
up against Roman waves coming in to
bring peace back with a hard hand,

then one day there is a man, a man head
& shoulders larger than his peers, a man
named Joshua,

Joshua starts out as a meek & well tempered
man, as he tries to teach peace to his people
& reason with them as a woman in marriage to
the Roman Overlords it's husband,

some treat Joshua with joy & adulation, a very
intelligent man, he knows the leaf & root of
medicine, he knows rock, stone branch & leaf,
he knows meat & blood & bone,

he hears the voices in the wind, he in his
thirties is a laborer on the temple of Herod,
he hears the voice of the spirit, he evangelizes
his Jehovah to those around, one day he is
up on the spire of the temple placing things
together & his work mate a top antagonizes
the Joshua,

the work mate says, "oh Joshua look at you,
you are so holy & righteous, here's a plan for
you, how about you jump off the temple
ledge I'm sure that Jehovah would send a
legion of angels to save you, like the psalmist
said not a foot will be dashed, go jump oh
holy Joshua"

Joshua replies, "you know what satan, if I could
escape such a fall on my own & sprouted wings
I'd probably jump like you said, but if I don't
need the doting from God to eat I'll stick to
mutton thank you,"

in time restlessness from fellow laborers gets
Joshua to lose his job know that most if not
all the revisions of the architecture was his,
they let him go,

in time as Joshua heals the fellows of his nation
with roots & leaves, mud from the Dead Sea's
beaches & ointments made from local fruits,

the day of the Lord's wrath begins, as the newly
minted Joshua & his disciples travel the nation &
Joshua meets the hearts of stone, he changes
from the cordial meek soft hearted leader to
a man full of anger & rage for those trying to
stifle him & buck the Father Jehovah & His
placement of Israel under the rule of Rome,

Joshua now frustrated with his people begins
throwing over tables in the synagogues &
beating up Pharisees & swearing & getting
violent & full of the Day of the lord as he
begins to fight back against the religious
ruling class with course language & fisticuffs,

all to culminate in his scourging before a
crucifiction that never takes place as the
centurians scourge Joshua so bad that he
dies only three quarters to a full hour into
his scourging, the plan to hang him, but
alas the scourging proved to brutal for
the insurgent to last even one hour before
he dies,

pastors in Canada teach money, pastors in the
USA teach psychology,

fear not death, even the reaper is thrown into
the lake of fire, the chenneroth,

if Viacom owned tonnes of porn in it's business
& some christian media, where can one go for
clean water,

the sea of the Chenneroth I believe had
pyers of dead floated on it, the same sea
Jesus walked on & saved Peter from
drowning, Jesus walking on the Lake of
Fire & Peter who rained curses on himself,
the allegory,

Jesus prayed for Peter cuz the devil
asked to sift him like wheat, hence Peter
sinking in the Chenneroth, Peter raining
curses on himself, yep right there, the
lord walking on the Lake of death & peter
sinking in it till the Lord saved him,

the Lord may not have even literally
walked on the water as much as
command the hands of death, who
knows, I don't know it all,

the Lord would have been like a Professor
Xavier in talking people into their lives or
their deaths,

if you can't understand a paradox or allegory,
you'll never understand the bible, it's in
insider speak for those in the know, knowing
the catch phrases etc,

dunno if I have it in here, but the 5 wise
& foolish was taken up by Vlad Dracul
& making feasts for the poor & barricading
them in & burning the barn they ate in,
5 wise got in the 5 foolish never made it,
paradox, huh,

the prodigal son, he didn't come back
for a blessing, he came back to get judged,
hence the gutting of the fatted calf,
he lived fun till he had to come back &
face his father, judgement not redemption,

if Jesus knew like he told John that no
flesh that saw him could live, I imagine
he may have literally laughed through
the whole scourge if he like he said,
no flesh that saw him could live,

Exodus 33:20
King James Bible
And he said, Thou canst not see my
face: for there shall no man see me, and live.

imagine if this went for Jesus too,

how many you think would be dead,

 there are only two demonic spirits to make note of,

in Joshua's day of life, he made mention of the
greatest & the least or the last shall be first
& the first shall be last,

names I could probably have a safe guess if I thought
about it long enough,

the first shall be last & the last shall be first,

meaning is this,

the first in the garden will be the last as well,

& the last will be first, which is, the last of the
days of BCE being the one who got into Judas,
yep that was the first last,

the first first was in Eden, the first last was
the one in Judas,

the last of the firsts will take place in the days
of Armageddon, while the fisrt last only has one
shot with Judas,

it's a headgamed trying to get your head around
the jargon,

but the first in the garden of Eden will be the
final last in the game, while the first last
only gets Judas,

if you know what Metthew 21:31 & how the harlots &
publicans will entire heaven first before the righteous,
interpreted, it means women or birds & human saved,

so if Joshua says birds or women are going to heaven,
take it as fact,

the last in the end who was in Eden is Lucifer,
Lucifer is also Jerusalem in allegory,

in Revelations it says the New Jerusalem will
arrive like a bride for her husband, so the Last
who was first is Lucifer the New Jerusalem
purified as Jesus would have said, get me,

so the last who was in Judas would have been
the devil or Satan,

yep, the demonic are going to heaven, God loves
women huh, & what would a party be with out the
hookers huh,

the two beasts,

the first beast is Joshua,

the second beast is the proposed Son of Perdition,

the paradox is whether you can understand the bible's
lingo & see through the paradoxes that are revelations
& dreams,

the second beast with horns & the mouth of a dragon,
the first beast is Joshua, & the head that was wounded
& rose again is Joshua, why would God give the devil
power to raise the dead, he wouldn't,

the beast with the moth of a lion is that of Jehovah & the
wounded head was Joshua at his death & then as he
rose again from death,

the mouth of the Lion is that of Joshua being the Lion
of Judah, the multi headed monster is that of Jehovah
& his many faucets, a leopard the feet of a bear, the
Dragon giving him power,

unless you can understand a paradox & the way
some teach you'll never understand the scriptures,

the second beast is that of the guy from Daniel 11:37,
he will have no desire of women, doesn't mean he will
be gay but that he will deny women at the crossroads,

he will be the second beast, horns like most sheep
back then used to have, & the mouth of a dragon
which means he will use the same power those
with women use, he will cause all men to worship
the first beast who is Jehovah & Joshua who had
the deadly wound & rose again,

it is a paradox as most who try to speak over
others to stop the blossoming of the spirit in
those who are of the Lord, many who are wicked
speak a curse to stop the righteous from
blossoming & here is a paradox of God speaking
promise over his who shall reign,

it is a paradox as the Lord spoke of the 5 wise &
foolish virgins, like how they used to make banquets
to barricade the door & burn the barn with the poor
inside eating, are you wise or foolish for being at
the banquet while they burned the barn down,

the story of the army of locusts is this, dunno if
I wrote about it but, the locusts are of the righteous,
the women's hair is that of the power of those who
have women so the righteous will have that same
power like having the mouth of a dragon,

the tail of scorpions is that of the righteous
having the pinnacle of power that the wicked
would have, the mouths of lions like that of
Joshua the Lion,

they will torment those not of the lord,

I've been to the crossroads about 8-10 times
& denied a woman each time, each time a
new demonic spirit & denied them all, been
baptized by the fire of the holy ghost more
times than I can count, the first time I got
baptized by the fire I had the state of Zen
Enlightenment for about 30 days till it left
cuz I wasn't strong enough to hold onto it,

the pinnacle of the fire of the holy ghost is

those who try to hold the heads down of
those blossoming in the spirit of the Lord,
God will judge hard on those trying to
deny the growth of his righteous seed,

I am lead to believe the dragon is one
more appendage of God & his throne,
missnamed missplaced by those who
know not the scriptures,

in Daniel the little horn speaking to
blaspheme the heavens means this, he
is a godly person who blasphemes the
 top echelons of human powers,

the heavens is allegory for those humans
in top tier power places, it's not literal,
it is in code, the little horn is one of Gods
& he speaks against the powers of the

if people still think the little horn is going
to be gay off the Daniel 11:37 verse,
then obviously they don't know what
a woman is, cuz the little horn takes
no wife or bird, that is if you know
what a woman is,

if the bible is about one thing, that one
thing would be about women, but unless
you know what a woman is you won't
understand it,

Revelations 13, the mouth of a Dragon,

two guys in the ring for a boxing match,
one Le Blanc the other La Nuit, you could
go so far as to say the Le Blanc has the
fists of a La Nuit, the mouth of a Dragon,

a heavy metal band has long hair, it could be
said they have the hair of women, yet they are
still men,

the second beast with the mouth of a dragon,
possibly had the fists of a La Nuit, but is
still not La Nuit, the locusts with the hair of
women, but still not women, but they do
have the atributes of women, the locusts
with scorpion tails but still not scorpions
but have the powers of scorpions, the
mouths of lions, but still not lions but the
powers of lions,

a Le Blanc, but the fists of a La Nuit,

by & large the interpretations of scripture
is full of error,

the beast is a righteous & the mark is
allegory for those with the mark of the
Lord in them,

unless you can understand a paradox you'l
never understand the scriptures,

the mark ain't sumpin physical but emotional
& spiritual,

the two beasts in Revealtions 13 are both
a righteous, why would the Lord reliven a
demonic person, does that make sense to

the first beast with the head dead is that
of Joshua & his ressurection, the seven
heads trascripted from the 7 spirits of God
& the 7 churches, the 10 horns from
something I can't understand right now,

I'm very sure the Dragon is Jehovah who
gave the beast his power, aka, Jehovah
giving power to his son,

the second beast a type of prophet who
holds the standard for Joshua, the mouth of
a dragon, that is the mouth of Jehovah,

I had a dream last year of a consttilation
of a very grotesque creature & it was an
image of Jehovah, he is not a man but a
very grotesque monster, if you thought
Satan was scary try facing this constellation,

the Father is the Dragon giving powers
to his son, I can't think of one reason
why the Father would resurrect a wicked

the first beast is God & the appendages of
his person spirit & Son,

the second beast is the Last prophet to tote the
message of the Lord,

the chracter Appolyon is from the grek myth
of Narcissus & being trapped in the pond &
his reflection till he breaks free & arises as
the destroyer Appolyon,

the bible is by far the least understood &
misinterpreted book in circulation,

unless you realize that the Bible is a
book about women you'll never get to
first base interpreting it,

in thessalonians he says a great falling away
would usher in the Lord, the meaning of
the scriptures has been lost, at one time
the word Mad used to mean insane, but
now it just means angry,

the meanings of words & messages has
changed over the years, in Paul's day a
great falling away would have meant a
turn of those in wickedness repenting &
turning to the Lord,

but like i said the meanings of words &
messages has changed, at one time the
word fag used to mean cigarette or gay
meaning happy, but like I said words
change as slang evolves,

Isaiah 4:1 talks of 7 women taking the
tassle of a man, literally & allegorically
this is Orion & the 7 sisters & the rod
the man,

the 7 churches or the 7 demonic spirits
in whole & an 8th for the crown, these
7 demons are allegorically the 7 Canaanite
kingdoms that the Hebrews never
conquered & the 8th hanging one being

can't remember where in Duetronomy or
Exodus the 7 canaanite kingdoms are named,
but there is an 8th hidden which i that o Egypt,
Egypt being the crown of the demonic or the rod
or sword or Lion of Orion,

the 7 demonic as it were that of the reference
to Matthew 21:31 in that harlots &
publicans getting to heaven before the
righteous as it were,

I believe there are also 7 spirits of God
numbered in Isaiah 11, & two desperate
children a sucking child & a weaned
child I believe, these two are one being
the wounded head of the beast from
Revelations 13, & the other child the
second beast,

two children & the two beasts of Revelations 13,
one child comes first the next picks up the slack
& message of the first beast & makes all
worship the first beast being Christ, & the
second beast being a prophet to one day
ring in the return of the first beast the Lord Joshua,

the beasts are both a righteous as like all
scriptures are, they are misinterpreted &
misunderstood, unless you are privy to
the biblical lingo you will always get the
interpretation wrong,

unless you can understand a paradox
you'll never get the scriptures correctly

can't remember where but I thought it
was in Corinthians that Paul said the
sinner had done his penance & was
now accepted, this was Paul saying that
after the death of Joshua that the sinner
being Satan was now clean to enter heaven,
just can't remember where that passage was,

but that passage I believe was in
Corin6thians was Paul saying that Satan
had paid his dues & could enter the
Lord's rest,

I reiterate the tempting of Joshua by Satan,
was most likely not Satan revealed physically
but the same way he told Joshua that he
would never die as Satan spoke through Peter,

the Lord replied buy get thee behind me Satan,
so it's most likely that Satan entered into people
to tempt the Lord like he was in Peter to tell
Joshua he'd never die, was most likely
Satan entering into people to talk to Joshua
through a host body & Joshua knew each
time the real speaker being Satan & not the
host person that Satan was speaking through,

in the book of Job he says he never kissed
his hand,

this is no different than now those who kiss
their Rosary, same deal, in Job's day they
were crucifying people & when you passed
a cross you'd kiss your hand like they do
now for the Rosary,

in Job's day they hung them on a cross like
a T, it was then called a Tau I believe, but
yep, that's where kissing the Rosary came

now when I'm out at night I kiss my hand
to the Moon, Venus & the Orion constellation,

in the book of Revelations it says the two
witnesses will die & people will give each
other gifts off of this,

anyone realize we give gifts on Christmas day,
could Joshua have died in December 25th,

also, April 1st, the day of fools, anyone wanna
guess why it is the day of fools, right during
spring as well, could Joshua have been born on
April 1st & killed on December 25th,

in Revelations where the Dragon is cast to earth
is like the flood or the 10th plague on Egypt,
Jehovah comes to earth to judge,

like the flood & the 10th plague on Egypt
once more the Father comes to earth to
judge, both plagues the Father comes
down in power to judge,

it could be said that the Father or Dragon
was cast to earth when Joshua 1st arrived
as well,

in the scriptures the Lord Joshua says that
even the son knows not the day of his return,
only the father knows, the Dragon as
Jehovah is in the mouth of the second beast
or the second prophet, it would go to reason
that the second beast or prophet will speak
the Dragon or Jehovah's word on the day
of the Lord's return,

if flesh were the Epirus bow, it would be
the 2nd Beast,

if you don't know what a bird or woman
is you'll never get a clear view of the bible,
the entire bible is about one single thing &
that is women,

if you know what a woman or bird is, then
you can begin to decipher the paradoxes
of the bible, without the understanding of
birds & women you'll never get a true picture
of what the bible is about, the allegories, the
prophecies, the parables, all women or birds,

if you don't know what birds or women are
you'll never understand the scriptures, if you
read the bible & check reality at the door
& think everything is literally about monsters,
you don't know the allegories or paradoxes
of the bible,

when you read the bible you need reality &
if you are a type where the sun revolves
around the earth, well, basic discussion is
beyond you,

people act as if Jesus never ate food or
took a pooh, people act as if God is sitting
on a mountain top, you don't just go out
& kill people, cuz even God told David
that he will never build a temple for
Jehovah, why, well, because David had
a life full of killing people whether it was
uncircumcised or philistine,

 my personal belief in a lot of the things
Joshua did is that it all could easily be
backed by science as even in the
scriptures the sun rises & sets,

except most people once they crack
the pages lose all form of reality &
mental constitution,

you open a bible all of a sudden Jesus
is a three cheese pizza doing nothing
other than unbelievable things like
eating drinking or taking a shat,

but even that is too much for most
religiodites to bear, a man who
actually have a life for more than
ruining the reality of die hard believers,

as if the devil showed up in horns &
wings & hair, or that the fact a guy
can get born & literally die & people
think you're supposed to surrender
your hook on reality for a god made
out of things like putting your tooth
under your pillow,

I imagine the pillow of most religiodites
has at least a couple dozen pounds of
lose teeth resting under them,

as soon as you open a bible everyone
is expected to surrender the basic
concept of reality for the tooth fairy,

as if a bit of salt in some dirt you spit
on can't unclogg the tear ducts or
something other but as simple as that,

on top of Joshua most likely having a
plastic reality, my opinion due to possibly
his mom dosing him with mandrakes,
this, it's easy to talk anyone into believing
what you want them to believe if you're
a good enough talker, I imagine joshua
with a possible plastic reality sucked a
lot of people into his messianic delusion,
I imagine if he believed it that much he
could have caught at least few flat footed,

most of what jesus did was either spit on
salty ground, or bending the reality of
those around him by his strong belief &
sucking them into his personal world,

I've passed a massive amount of the
genesis to the arrival of the crossroads,
scene lotta crazy stuff,

yep, i believe you could horn swaggle a
guy in a wheelchair to get out if you had
the ability to bend his reality enough,

 once you become a religiodite,

you're expected to check
reality at the door,

 my personal belief, is that it wasn't just
the philistines who wanted Samson dead,

put two & two together, dunno why, but
I'd bet a lot it was way more than the
canaanites who wanted him dead,

on top of the 10 plagues, I imagine
every Egyptian understanding it as
well as the last plague,

my belief, very few jews would
hazard to kill a lamb for a fairy tale,

I imagine many jews lost their first born,
while many Egyptians understood the

my opinion is that it probably wasn't
the first time to have happened,

imagine a pathogen that got
nuetered at the lintil of a splash
of blood,

if you wanna be realistic about that event,
who knows, but my belief it was a type of
pathogen that got clipped at the blood
on the frame, kid saved, if no blood,
the pathogen had a free pass to enter
the house,

 my personal belief in a lot of the things
Joshua did is that it all could easily be
backed by science as even in the
scriptures the sun rises & sets,

except most people once they crack
the pages lose all form of reality &
mental constitution,

you open a bible all of a sudden Jesus
is a three cheese pizza doing nothing
other than unbelievable things like
eating drinking or taking a shat,

but even that is too much for most
religiodites to bear, a man who
actually have a life for more than
ruining the reality of die hard believers,

as if the devil showed up in horns &
wings & hair, or that the fact a guy
can get born & literally die & people
think you're supposed to surrender
your hook on reality for a god made
out of things like putting your tooth
under your pillow,

I imagine the pillow of most religiodites
has at least a couple dozen pounds of
lose teeth resting under them,

as soon as you open a bible everyone
is expected to surrender the basic
concept of reality for the tooth fairy,

as if a bit of salt in some dirt you spit
on can't unclogg the tear ducts or
something other but as simple as that,

on top of Joshua most likely having a
plastic reality, my opinion due to possibly
his mom dosing him with mandrakes,
this, it's easy to talk anyone into believing
what you want them to believe if you're
a good enough talker, I imagine joshua
with a possible plastic reality sucked a
lot of people into his messianic delusion,
I imagine if he believed it that much he
could have caught at least few flat footed,

most of what jesus did was either spit on
salty ground, or bending the reality of
those around him by his strong belief &
sucking them into his personal world,

I've passed a massive amount of the
genesis to the arrival of the crossroads,
scene lotta crazy stuff,

yep, i believe you could horn swaggle a
guy in a wheelchair to get out if you had
the ability to bend his reality enough,

btw, it wasn't the LSD, after having a dream
of a certain redhead. booyah, life starts,

not an easy life but meh,

Tyson Beckford

Monday, 24 February 2014

started work on three paintings the last 2 weeks but my camera aint't working so no photos,

To Mike Bosma, RIP, too many head games from nurses & doctors I am lead to believe,

I too am still in the psychiatric system like Mike was,

dunno your head space, but if you can tell the difference between a bull or steer or an oxen or bird or women you'll catch my drift,

the entire psychiatric system is a pseudo science,

all it is, if you catch my drift, is about guys in the wilderness I call it trying to wrangle strong birds, I've oft thought of Mike the last several months but just now thought the inclination to send a note,

the entire psychiatric system is about guys trying to wrangle strong birds & nurses & doctors trying to keep the heads down of patients & stop them from blossoming, the nurses & doctors know it's a psuedo science & know it is about women birds steers & bulls,

all the nurses & doctors do is play headgames with the patients to stop them from blossoming,

seriously my idea is that a nurse or doctor played too many head games with Mike & that is what got him killed,

yewp, the nurses & doctors play non stop head games with the patients to stop them from blossoming to whether bull or Oxen, me, I am an Oxen & I am not blind to the endless head games of nurses & doctors to stunt patients growth,

nurses & doctors all know it's nothing but about birds women or bulls as i can recall head games of the sort,

seriously, consider head games from nurses or doctors is what got Mike to lose his life,

here is my blog, & here is my number,


the last year I kept wishing I could run into Dan as I think he is such a great guy, miss running into Dan once in a while, great guy, funny, a very honest guy that I remember,

I knoe Mike had a big struggle, as I had since feb 90 started cutting myself, & quit off & on after 2004 till I blazed my face with hot knives in December 2010 & ended up in the hospital due to crap medications 6 times between summer 2010 & spring 2013,

seriously, I am not kidding & this has been rolling in my mind every time I think of Mike is that head games are what got him to lose his life,

Dan may not even remember me, we were on different shifts at the Lakeside,



Sunday, 23 February 2014

watch many of those quoted as having mentall illnesses,

watch many of those quoted as
having mental illnesses, getting
jobs with the American government
teaching their mindset as a new
angle for tapping the ethereal,

easy neuro therapy

switch sides on your ear buds,

to cross the corpus collosum,
teach the right what the left
usually hears,

to create an ambidextrous brain,

put the left ear bud in the right
ear & right in the left ear,

improves consciousness & in time,
don't know how long, it wakes your
mind up,

been doing this for about two years
& yep it helps, try it you'll be pleasantly

it will deffo improve mental functioning,
& you will notice it when it finally
engages in your mind, the moment
it engages you'll notice,

easily the most simple & & easy
neuro therapy, & put more millage
in the tank, please share with others
who need nuero therapy per
fighters dealing with hits to the head
& concussions, etc,

Saturday, 22 February 2014

what has been seen will stay in Vegas,

no one ever died of aids,

revenge, best served cold, or steaming,

if a store hurts me I take
my dog by & get him to
launch a scud at the entrance,


thunder like the waves to which one
does know the throw so close to
the fire you know, but if the blaze
so right illuminating the night cast
the fierce of the heat to settle the
ash as sleet, do know that the
cruise to a new day doth know
that with the braze to the blast do
know the Carthaginians to the
day of ole Spartacus dear know
that the seven hills close to the
thrills know to do the double
double toil & trouble be yet the
glass of the clear to the cup of
the seas know to that this yawn
be to the next that the bereft of
the love that a woman on the
heat of the do close now to be
yet the furry of the tale that in
the days to come will know that
the kettle the pot & the black
of the cinders will fall for years
after the holiest of holiest is met
with the torching of the booty &
the fervent of the fire doth come
close to the now you see the
coliseum of Vespasian & the rock
turn to vapor as the ballistic come
close & meet the pope at the door,

Friday, 21 February 2014

my personal opinion in a scienific reason for the bible,

my personal belief in a lot of the things
Joshua did is that it all could easily be
backed by science as even in the
scriptures the sun rises & sets,

except most people once they crack
the pages lose all form of reality &
mental constitution,

you open a bible all of a sudden Jesus
is a three cheese pizza doing nothing
other than unbelievable things like
eating drinking or taking a shat,

but even that is too much for most
religiodites to bear, a man who
actually have a life for more than
ruining the reality of die hard believers,

as if the devil showed up in horns &
wings & hair, or that the fact a guy
can get born & literally die & people
think you're supposed to surrender
your hook on reality for a god made
out of things like putting your tooth
under your pillow,

I imagine the pillow of most religiodites
has at least a couple dozen pounds of
lose teeth resting under them,

as soon as you open a bible everyone
is expected to surrender the basic
concept of reality for the tooth fairy,

as if a bit of salt in some dirt you spit
on can't unclogg the tear ducts or
something other but as simple as that,

on top of Joshua most likely having a
plastic reality, my opinion due to possibly
his mom dosing him with mandrakes,
this, it's easy to talk anyone into believing
what you want them to believe if you're
a good enough talker, I imagine joshua
with a possible plastic reality sucked a
lot of people into his messianic delusion,
I imagine if he believed it that much he
could have caught at least few flat footed,

most of what jesus did was either spit on
salty ground, or bending the reality of
those around him by his strong belief &
sucking them into his personal world,

I've passed a massive amount of the
genesis to the arrival of the crossroads,
scene lotta crazy stuff,

yep, i believe you could horn swaggle a
guy in a wheelchair to get out if you had
the ability to bend his reality enough,

 once you become a religiodite,

you're expected to check
reality at the door,

 my personal belief, is that it wasn't just
the philistines who wanted Samson dead,

put two & two together, dunno why, but
I'd bet a lot it was way more than the
canaanites who wanted him dead,

on top of the 10 plagues, I imagine
every Egyptian understanding it as
well as the last plague,

my belief, very few jews would
hazard to kill a lamb for a fairy tale,

I imagine many jews lost their first born,
while many Egyptians understood the

my opinion is that it probably wasn't
the first time to have happened,

imagine a pathogen that got
nuetered at the lintil of a splash
of blood,

if you wanna be realistic about that event,
who knows, but my belief it was a type of
pathogen that got clipped at the blood
on the frame, kid saved, if no blood,
the pathogen had a free pass to enter
the house,

 my personal belief in a lot of the things
Joshua did is that it all could easily be
backed by science as even in the
scriptures the sun rises & sets,

except most people once they crack
the pages lose all form of reality &
mental constitution,

you open a bible all of a sudden Jesus
is a three cheese pizza doing nothing
other than unbelievable things like
eating drinking or taking a shat,

but even that is too much for most
religiodites to bear, a man who
actually have a life for more than
ruining the reality of die hard believers,

as if the devil showed up in horns &
wings & hair, or that the fact a guy
can get born & literally die & people
think you're supposed to surrender
your hook on reality for a god made
out of things like putting your tooth
under your pillow,

I imagine the pillow of most religiodites
has at least a couple dozen pounds of
lose teeth resting under them,

as soon as you open a bible everyone
is expected to surrender the basic
concept of reality for the tooth fairy,

as if a bit of salt in some dirt you spit
on can't unclogg the tear ducts or
something other but as simple as that,

on top of Joshua most likely having a
plastic reality, my opinion due to possibly
his mom dosing him with mandrakes,
this, it's easy to talk anyone into believing
what you want them to believe if you're
a good enough talker, I imagine joshua
with a possible plastic reality sucked a
lot of people into his messianic delusion,
I imagine if he believed it that much he
could have caught at least few flat footed,

most of what jesus did was either spit on
salty ground, or bending the reality of
those around him by his strong belief &
sucking them into his personal world,

I've passed a massive amount of the
genesis to the arrival of the crossroads,
scene lotta crazy stuff,

yep, i believe you could horn swaggle a
guy in a wheelchair to get out if you had
the ability to bend his reality enough,

btw, it wasn't the LSD, after having a dream
of a certain redhead. booyah, life starts,

not an easy life but meh,

one of my favorite lines from the film Immortals,

they don't have a problem with killing people,
so as indecision is one of their traits, (sic),

no mater what films come out though,

seems no one can live up to their heros,

especially if it takes butchering women
to be a Hollywood stud like Bale,

dunno why it seems to be Pink's
favorite whipping boy Heath Ledger,
I find near all her songs are about
slagging the guy, give it a rest babe,
the guys dead, that's not good
enough for you,

they say it's a something thousand dollar fine & 5 or so years in prison for theft of media rights for films,

they say it's a something thousand
dollar fine & 5 or so years in prison
for theft of media rights for films,

why bother, only 2 or three people
are really getting paid for the films,

not as if anyone cares about the key
grips if the scale is the way it is,

if theft were treated such a lot more
that studio cams would be getting
arrested, so as the internet being a
garden for media to pick through,

if I seem to be so suicidal on a regular basis,

if I seem to be so suicidal on a regular basis,
what could be said of Hollywood's fascination
with destroying their own country,

wow, love your nation that much huh,

but then if it takes a Holywood stud like
Bale to kill a bunch of chick, who cares huh,

wonder what a world is like when
butchering women is called art,

I hear a few years back the Wayans brothers stole the ideas of some guy & turned it into a book,

one more night of cranky meds,


Wednesday, 19 February 2014

a theory of mine involving film parts,

1st Terminator Arnold rips the heart
out of a guy,

years later he ends up having cardiac
surgery himself,

Rob Roy Liam Neason's wife gets raped,

years later his wife dies
in a ski accident,

2nd Terminator one of the stunt
men breaks his leg,

years later Arnold breaks his leg
in a ski accident,

wonder what will come of Gary Oldman
& Michael Keaton for the ONE
character in Robocop,

lotta songs about ONE,

lotta films like American Psycho,

wonder what will come of these endings,

on top of that, dunno if you guys
knew, old man Rockerfeller is in a wheelchair,

anyone got a comment,

Metallica & the song ONE,

films like American Psycho,


 99 problems but a bitch
an't one,

any got a guess here,

any guesses guys

 many years ago I read a story of the Rock stretchered
out & he raised his hand, like douche they said,

years later Teddy Kennedy stretchered out
yep, raised his hand like a douche,

any guesses on transformers 3
& chicago,

or Battle for Los Angeles,

 how about the scene in Terhan Iran
in the new Robocop film,

any guess on the transfer for Iran
& another broken leg or dead
wife from skiing,

anyone seen Final Destination,

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Biblical interpretations, reprise

in the book of Revelations it says that
John saw those things on the Lord's day,

what he meant was that he saw those
things the very day the Lord got
scourged to death,

the sweating blood meant he died in
the scourge & not being crucified,

the naked ten who ran naked from Jesus
was the angel who talked to him,

like most biblical Lore, none of them were
real angels but guys who knew their
mustard to get things done that those
who are without the spirit of the Lord
upon them,

none of them were literal angels but
guys empowered by the spirit, like a
guy so dis-armingly full of charm that
he can talk you out of your first born,

these guys just had the power of God
on them & that's about it,

like Jacob wrestling with the angel all
night & getting a blessing, the Lord
took the young man's garment that
the solders later gambled for,

the sweat blood was for those who knew
what it meant, it meant that Jesus
died in the scourging, most likely after
only an hour as his hour had come,

Paul said it was disgrace for the Lord
to be associated with the cross, one
more message of the same,

the father had mercy on him & killed
him quick,

Abraham & Sarah,

she possibly couldn't bear till her possible STD
receded out of he system then she could bare,

Abraham gave her to pharaoh & all pharaoh's
house was barren,

possibly cuz the pharaoh tanged her & gave the
said STD to his house through his sex with her,

yep, the house of pharaoh was barren after
Sarah arrived, she possibly had an STD that
she gave to the house of Pharaoh, till the STD
receded from her system & she could bear
for Abraham,

everyone acts like the bible is some mythical
book & not a book of reality, as soon as a
religiodite reads the bible their intelligence
& reason goes out the window,

people think Sarah was made to hold on cuz
of some mystical reason when all it could
have been was an STD, so a pastor reads
the book & his assumption of gravity goes
out the window cuz he thinks that the sun
revolves around the earth, so people think
the stars are all spaceships in the sky & no
one is intelligent enough to know that bang
bang creates a baby & not simply sleeping
in the same bed as a woman, sex doesn't
create babies all you need to do is put a
ring on your finger a booyah your wife is

that & eating lupin flowers turns you into
a werewolf like farting clears a room cuz
they don't know the shit gas smells cuz they
don't know what a colon is, it must be a
spirit or a monster, intelligence leaves when
you read the bible cuz people think the sun
moving across the sky is not the seasons of
nature cuz nature isn't a point of reason like
eating & being full, you get full off eating
cuz you simply like food art, nope eating
won't fill you up,

yep simply putting a ring on your finger
gets your wife pregnant, & it's too reasonable
to understand the seasons as the reason for
snow or sunshine, cuz once you read the
bible you become a meat head, dead from
the shoulders up,

Christians still don't believe in science cuz the
bible says man was made from dirt so
obviously there is no 80% water huh,

a few months ago a guy I loosely knew asked
me if he meet me at jasons & we did rock, I
said nope don't remember, don't think so,

knew a girl a few months ago who asked me
if she knew me from working at the strip club,
I said nope don't remember,

a few months ago I ran into a fag & he asked
me if we met at the gym last year,

Jesus possibly a temple laborer is working on
the spire & his work mate says do you think
we could jump off here & live, Jesus said you
know what if I had a parachute I wouldn't
need it for the last 2 or three feet so lets jump

if the devil showed up to tell Jesus to jump
off the temple pinnacle do you think he could
have showed up the way he did in Peter when
Peter told the Lord he would never die, yet
Jesus rebuked the devil in Peter,

each one of those temptations could have
& was most likely the devil in those people
who like Peter had the devil in them,

most likely the devil tempted Jesus no
different than the devil in peter rebuking the
Lord for him saying he would die,

I seriously doubt the devil showed up
in horns hair & wings, doubt it, most likely
no different than the devil in Peter rebuking
the Lord for saying he would die, no hair,
no horns, no wings, just reality,

a guy shows up on the television & is a bad
person & he says to the jewish anchor that
he knew the grand children of a few
sturmabteilung enscripted, the jew's eye light
up & he looks scared,

a guy walking down the street sees a hot chick
& looks her in the eye, he is a spousel abuse
for his wife, he looks at the woman on the street
& he spits on the ground, she tightens up,

Jesus is a top the temple putting up the spire
& his work mate says, hey you're so tough
jump you idiot,I'm tired of your holier than
thou attitude, Jesus says, I'm not so stupid to
test my god why don't you jump fool,

people act as if the horns hair wings have to
make the seen for the devil to arrive,

Jesus you will never die, listen to me, you
will never die cuz we need you for a physical
kingdom to rule the earth & fight the Roman,

Jesus says, you know what Peter you're a
fool if you think I came for a kingdom of the
flesh, go stick it up your as fool & Satan get
behind me,

the only way that satan can show up is by
horns tail & wings unless you are a student
of reality & that the spirit of the demonic
can be in the host of a person & speak
through said Peters Pauls & johns,

No one thinks a 120 years of cuttimng
down gopher wood trees will change the
atmosphere of the planet huh, God told
Noah to make an ark yippee, in kindegarten
you know what a sand box is, in grade one
you know what 10 is, in grade 3 you know
how to spell something, in grade 12 you can
write the chemical equation of Lysergic acid

A guy starts trimming trees cuz a guy in his
school talked about steriods so after
20 - 30 years of playing around he finally
came up with a cocktail for nice lean mass,
it took him 20-30 years of jacking around
before he scored though,

a guy starts trimming gopherwood trees,
the regulars around steal his timbers & use
them to smelt iron for weapons, he feels a
chill in the air, sees clouds over the years,
the ground is drying out, after a 120 years
the atmosphere changes due to no forests
or the smoke in the atmosphere & dalia day,
it begins to rain,

no one thinks that the bible is a book of
reason or high sciences unless like paul said
you can rightly divide the scriptures,

there is no such thing as seasons, it's all
held in place like a savior who never ate
or drank or dighteid his diaper, it's al an
illusion, the stars are spacfeships & the
sun revolves around the earth,

oh ya, jesus never broke a sweat or never
washed his hands after he shat, he just
floated around & acted like a pufter,

the sweat blood & spear in the side was
allegory for his death, he most likely died
after, his hour had come, dead after an
hour of scourging & no cross, what sweat
blood huh, nope he died in the hour of
scourging, his hour came, no cross, sweat
blood spear in the side,

died of the hour of scourging & no cross,
the guy was a man, I'm sure he was relieved
to know he'd be scourged & be able to
pass on the cross, the mercy of the Father

when the demoniac cursed Jesus I imagine
he was very unsettled at what he heard, the
voice of a demon speaking through the guy,
like a guy joking about jumping off the spire,
he was probably very unsettled for a long
time till he got the fullness of the scourge &
know that most likely after an hour of that
he'd be dead,

I too hear spirits speak to me & believe
me you don't want that gift cuz it is very
scary,I won't say what they've been telling
me, very scary, devils know how to get
your goat, if you heard what I hear you'd
commit suicide, very scary, I totally believe
Jesus lived with a lot of fear over devils
cursing him constantly, a lot of fear over
those threats, oh ya, it's scary alright,

when the scourge stareted he would have
known the pass was soon, I believe as per
scripture, "grew in stature & favor with
God & man that he was a vey massive
guy like a wrestler, bigger than anyone
else, very strong & a temple laborer, they
would have enjoyed breaking a guy as
big as him, but the scourge was a mercy
from God as he never would have hung
but no doubt died as his hour would come,

oh ya, prolly beat a lot of guys p swearing,
stoned, possibly died in stoning like Paul
was, but tough as a mother fucker, they
would have enjoyed breaking him, but
here in lays the mercy of God the Father
as he would no doubt have died as his
hour came,

I believe that all involved in the scourging
ended up getting terminate to close the
chapter on those involved,.

it's my belief that if you let cancer run it's full blossom that
it recedes & disappears on it's own like flowers, grows
matures, blossoms & recedes, most diseases are like this
I believe, it's the trauma of surgery & the health practices
that kill the patient not the diseases, nice huh,

no different than the possible STDs that Sarah may have
had that receded one day to finally let her bear a child,
the possible STD she had may have receded & returned
to the health of her body, all it took was the possible
STD to blossom & receded,

even washing your feet a few times a day makes a big
difference or bathing in red wine, for a few days I
washed my feet in some red,

assuaging the gods by pouring out beer or wine on areas
that deer graze in, yep you hear it through the grape vine,

I imagine for the 10th curse on Egypt that a lot of the
hebrews never would have wanted to waste a good
lamb on blood for the lintels,i bet a lot of Hebrews
lost their 1st born, that one lamb was too much too
waste on magic & fluff like a death plague, oh ya,I
bet most Hebrews wouldn't have wasted a good
lamb on the lintels so money hungry for wealth, why
waste a good stock for blood on the lintels,

I bet most of the Egyptians knew that mythology &
took care while the Hebrews hated the idea of
throwing money out the window with blood on the
lintels, I bet the Egyptians knew that mythology for
such an act though,

if any of those guys don't have a woman or bird strong
enough to teach them they might as well all be a
bunch of grunts on the bottom level & no real
awareness of the greater scenario of the possibilities
of reality,

if non of them have a strong enough bird to teach them
they all might as well be uneducated guys trying to
build a skyscrapper with a pile of sand,

the woman is the lime & slake, but if all you
have is a guy a sleep you'll have no cohesion to form
the structure,

no different than the parable in the first conan film with
Arnold, if all you have is a sword you have nothing,
what you need is the hand to raise the sword, or all you need
is a hand for fisticuffs,

a glove alone is nothing without the hand inside it to
give the glove power & ability, the glove alone are
like guys trying to bang your wife off a ring & no
sex, if you have no hand the glove is worthless, with
only a ring you have nothing without something
in the condom, I call this the parable of the Serpent,
basically the entire story of the Bible, women birds,
demonic spirits or the holy ghost who is the phoenix
of birds, the epitome of a powerful bird,

Jesus saying people would be get married or be
given in marriage, it's all about women & birds,
that's it,that is the test to see whether you really
know what a woman is or not, Daniel 11:37, do
you really know what a woman is or do you think
most guys like in Daniel 11:37 are fags, the true
test to see your intelligence & if you truly know
what a woman is when being confronted if you
know r just think you know,

are you a guy who can handle a gun in the pressures
of war or are you the type who drops your weapon
for unskilled & false bravado & no instincts or the
lack of training or just plain error to never know
an apple when you see one but you know the name
& that's about it, do you know the word bitches
but don't know what one looks like, about it,

milk before lemon juice or acids, I wanna see if it
activates the hormones & steroids in the beef,

I belive Jesus was a realist no different than
Noah one day realizing the clearing of forests
would one day bring rain, the 3 temptations
of 1John 2:16 & the ascent of the temptations
in Isaiah or Hosea in the Oak,poplar &
nightmare on elm street, the 3rd is death, like
Jake's character on Prince of Persia, the 3rd
step is the hardest, I bet you bell bottom dollar
that Jesus drank a lot of Elm leaf tea as an
affront to his coming death,

possibly a realist & scientist & architect possibly
who may have either been a laborer or tech
for the construction of the temple, oh ya, I bet
he was very intelligent using sciences on himself
as an affront to rising from the dead, possibly
drinking elm leaf tea or other things he knew
of sciences or construction et al, he may have
prepared his body through science as an
affront to his death, like Noah in time realizing
what clear cutting would do to the atmosphere,
in time leaning like the grades in school til the
crescendo meets the final acts waited for &
being prepared for,

like on Thor the dark world, Thor says science &
magic are one in asgard, but I push it one more,
science, magic & psychology are one, basically
the whole of what you could call sorcery or
witchcraft, or really if you understand, the tools
Jesus used in his way, you know what call it
warfare & not a scary word like witchcraft,

basically plain old warfare,

gibberish isn't tongues, it is angelic language,
basically the entire bible is a book of tongues,
you could say that an allegory is tongues, that's
as simple as you can say it,

kissing the hand like a rosiry is taken from
the days before Job, in the book of Job he
says he doesn't pass by & kiss his hand,
this is a holla to the cruxing of people as
thus was a sacrifice to the sun gods like
Moloch or Lucifer who is the commonly
known solar Deity,

people pass by a guy on the cross & they
kiss thier hand, in I believe it is Corinthians
I could be wrong, Paul says it is a shame
for Jesus to be associated with or hang o0
a cross cuz basically in those days cruxing
wasn't just a punishment but a sacrificial
rite for those sun gods like Moloch,

The cross is also called a Tau which is
basically just a T, Paul says it is a shame for
the Lord to be associated with a cross cuz
essentially it is the Son og Jehovah sacrificed
to the Sun God Moloch who is an enmity
to Jehovah, all the games in Vespasian s
Amphitheater or commonly called the
Colosseum were games as a sacrificial rite
to gods like Diana, basically the games
were deffo entertainment but also as a
sacrificial rite to mainly Diana, the goddess
of the hunt, another translation of Isis or
Ishtar or Astarte or Ashtaroth, or today

I am lead to believe that April Fool's day
is a mock on Jesus they fool they cal,
possibly being hung on such a day, my
theory on April 1st,

mental illnes is basically people in the wilderness
no different than Jesus, mental illness is basically
people trying to wrangle strong birds or women,
that is mental illness in a nutshell, the wilderness
no different than Jesus in his 40 days, & the
beasts which were just bulls etc trying to give him
one of their women instead of him receiving the
holy ghost, those beasts he fought were all bulls
trying to train him in their ways, dat it yo,

the parable in Conan by James Earl Jones'
character is basically the whole bible, women
or birds, basically, nope, essentially the entire
bible is about women or birds, do you see
pastors talking about it though, nope, scum
pastors acting up pharisees & hiding the true
meaning of the bible which is pure & totally
about women or birds or the room in eastern

what pastors don't know what a bird is, then
you aren't full enough to teach, cuz the entire
bible is about the room or birds, all Jesus ever
talked about was the room, hence Revelations
3:20, pure the room or women, people getting
married or given in marriage, yep, bitches or birds,

a message I sent to Arnold Schwarzeneggars site

the parable that James EarlJones said in the
Original motion Picture of Conan is pure scripture,

the entire bible is that one parable,

the entire bible is about birds or women or prostitutes,

Jay said that the prostitutes & tax collectors would
enter heaven before the righteous,

if you don't know what a woman is you don't know
what a prostitute is, & Paul said the saved would
judge creation, sounds like tax collectors to me huh,
the big secret of church is that pastors neglect talking
about Jesus message which was all about women &
birds, all Jesus spoke of was in allegory of birds or
women but pastors neglect that, why,

if pastors don't know what a bird is they have no salt,
if they know & don't expose it then their salt has lost it's saltiness,

if pastors don't talk about birds they are no disciple of the Lord's,

Revelations 3:20, booyah, the room that even Baghuan
Rajnesh spoke of in the eastern meditation, the room or birds or no hand, all the same thing,

no hand the room is all about the birds or Siddhartha & the budhha in Herman Hesse's book, it's all women so why don't pastors talk about it, in Jesus day & still now they keep the dirt under the rug & don't expose these things whyI don't know but I do know it is full of wickedness that they do this for,

go in peace brother, please spread this word, most people who think they are unsaved are actually saved & don't know it,

pastors though & religiodites, nope, no way, if you know the secret of the word & don't share it you are blinding people for the truth of the scriptures,

yep, the parable of the serpent as I call it, my god, one of the most beautiful scenes in modern film, god, that film was massive, revolutionary for it's time & even now in the days of pomp & circumstance,

yep, birds, the entire bible, Jesus talking about the room& of women& birds,

peace brother,

share this, it has more than what I gave you here, it will blow UR nuts away, haha, god read if you want some scientific answers to the scriptures,I know you are very exceedingly intelligent, this post on my blog will speak to that, a common sensibility, big on intelligence & reason & realism,

the entire realism in hollywood is from my emails & twitters to studios, Heracles with KellanLutz, the realism is mine, I sent them snipets of my experiences & the realistic stuff for heros,

check this,I have badgered @USAgov & @mossadii for a realistic Capt America, you know when some quit smoking they gain weight, well weaponize it to bulk military with 30-40-50 lbs of mass & train in the leau for solid gains, & to switch right & left ear buds on MP3 players, the switch forces the 2 hemisphers to learn the change of structured sound forces a learning curve, intelligence senses even consciouness, unless you do it on a regular basis you can't understand how huge it is, takes a bit of time to add up, switch back & forth, but yep, a trained mind the corpus colosum it's self explanatory & boy if you do it long enough the consciouness awareness even, god it's huge,

contemplate, weaponized cigarettes & the era buds a realistic Capt America, weaponized cigarettes, massive huh, yep realistic capt america bro,

massive huh, oh ya dude,

peace to your house friend & a guy who taught me alot just by you being you,


mental illness is basically people in the wilderness
trying to wrangle their birds no different than Jesus
in the wildness for 40 day, if yiu have a strong bird
it takes you through the wilderness, the beasts that
Jesus fought in the wilderness were bulls who are
guys who took a demonic bird at the cross roads,
the beasts he fought were guys trying to give him
one of their birds, there, that is the wilderness &
mental illness, booyah,

when Jesus told the parable of a man & his death
that his wife is free to remarry, this was his point
over his death, Jesus death was the divorce writ
for Jacob to be free to marry another cuz the
murder of Jesus was the divorce writ & now Jacob
is without the Lord as a husband cuz his death
was the divorce writ, yep, Jacob got seperated
from their husband in Jesus death,

I know you'll appreciate this my friend,

the bible is a book of scientific secrets,

wine glass with a 20 gram weight on the

the nation of Jacob walks around Jericho
7 days & the earth's orbit stops to create
24 hours of day,

a wine glass with a 20 gram weight on it,

imagine if everyone threw all their gold
into the ocean like I believe will happen
one of these days,

you nut s guy's toe, will he walk the same,

a wine glass with a 20 gram weight on it,

a book of scientific secrets, if you are
realistic when you read it, it ain't about

Matthew 21: 31

Which of the two did the will of his father?
” They said, “The first.” Jesus said to them,
“Truly, I say to you, the tax collectors and
the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God
before you

prostitutes are that of women or birds or
the demonic while the tax collectors are
the human saved, unless you know what
a woman or bird is this is over your head,

the bible is a book of sciences not UFOs
the way most pastors teach,

the most simple way to explain these two
parables of Y'shua, the prodigal son is
about returning to the Lord after death to
be judged it's not redemption is it the gutting
of a bull in judgement as he returns to the
Father to be judged for his sin,

the 5 wise & foolish virgins is the same as
what Vlad Dracul did, make a banquet for
the poor nail the door shut & burn down
the barn, there two parables done,

medusa being decapitated, in Genesis the
heel of the woman will bruise the head of
the serpent, the woman dies but the power
of the serpents still kill the Kraken who
could possibly be Y'shua,

high heels to keep the heel of the woman
of the head of the serpent, hunters cutting
the head of the serpent off, hair of women
in updos,

the 4 rivers of Eden, Pison or Pisces or Jesus
the white,

& Gihon of Ethiopia or Nijjarios, Lucifer the one
born off the banks of the Gihon in Ethiopia, the
very first African born, as Isaiah says you can't
change your color of skin like the Ethiopia or
the spots like a Cheetah & so neither can you
do good,

if you are racist to blacks, well the very first
African was Lucifer, eat that,

the 7 kingdoms of the Canaanites that Jacob
never conquered are 7 arch devils in reality
with the 8th being the kingdom of Egypt,

there is script in the torah part of the bible
that talks about this, the 8th hidden is that
of Egypt, I am lead to believe there are 7
arch devils with the crown being the elements
of El Diablo, Lucifer, Satan

basically the word Satan means accuser &
that's about it,

unless you've been blazed by the holy ghost
you'll never get a thing out of the bible, only
the living can interpret the scriptures, if you
are dead to the word what will a cadaver
do to grow & learn, they are mute,

I imagine due to my severe exhaustion from the
last three years & the last year of vomiting &
suffocating on my new medication colozapine,
if I under went a surgery or formal torture I'd
easily die fast & furiously from the trauma,

1 = light = the key to family, to open, alpha
3 = body fullness
4 = to break forth
5 = unity
6 = man
7 = whole
8 = complete
9 = unwhole
10= perfection
99 = incomplete
100 = birth
60 = perfection in man
400 = break forth in birth
666 = birth of the perfection of man
777 = birth of the whole in perfection
77 = perfectly whole
9 = incomplete
99 = the perfection of being incomplete
1000 = Oxen, God, Omega,

my knowledge of numerology just started to
blossom when I got pinched & locked up the
psyche ward for around 8 or 9 months,

each day of creation for those of mammals or
trees or that in the ocean are allegorical of those
men who are symbolized by those creatures,
Trees are all a type of men in allegory, this is
why Jehovah told Jacob not to clear cut areas
they had conquered, in the gospels a blind
man in his healing said he saw men as trees
walking, one more arrow in the quiver for
those who want to save the nature & habitat
of the forests,

those who clear cut or hunt or are butchers will
never pass to life, I imagine Jesus hated eating
lamb cuz he knew that was him, he probably
prefered beef to eat out of the judgement of the
prodigal son & the death & gutting of bulls being
the wicked in symbolic,

dunno if I posted this yet but I imagine Jacob
lost a lot of their first born in the 10th plague of
Egypt cuz they didn't wanna waste a good lamb
but putting it's blood on the lintels, but i bet you
9 out of ten that the Egyptians knew that tale
from their mythologies & a lot of Egyptians
put blood on their doors, it was probably a
familiar myth to them,

in the book of revelations those of the locusts
that have stingers is like this, the locusts are
those of the righteous & have long hair as a
woman meaning the righteous have the
powers of those who have women they
have the power of those in the ascent of
the power of the wicked being a scorpion,
the ascent of power of the wicked are
stone, serpent & yep the top a scorpion,

so the rigyteous in the last days will have
the same power scorpions have in their
power with a woman, the mouths of lions
for that of Y'shua being the lion & having
his tongue & handle on language & the
gift of tongues which is basically the
re-iteration of allegories, they will afflict
the wicked & the wicked will not be
able to die which means they will never
be saved no matter how hard they may

in the book of Thessalonians that of the
great falling away has been lost in
meaning for ages, back in Paul's day
they would have understood it but the
meaning got lost over the yep Millennial
reign, after Y'shua died the Millennial
reign began, anyway, the great falling
away that Paul talked about was a
falling away from sin & those falling
away becoming saved,

if you actually really understood the
scriptures people wouldn't hate so
much, in the book of Daniel those
who are described as wicked are
actually righteous beings, the little
horn is a man after the Lord's heart,
cuz the powers in heaven he is
talking about are those in the top
echelons of human power or
government, the defiance of the
wickedness of men's kingdoms,

I read a lot of an Aramaic New
Testament translation & the word
Elohim was fluttered back & forth
from that of Jehovah & that of
Lucifer, unless you are sensitive to
the spirit you can't divide the word
rightly as Paul said, in one of the
books of the kings or summat,
Naaman called Solomon Jedediah
cuz the lord favored him, this lord
wasn't that of Jehovah but Lucifer,
not every time the scriptures say
lord or Elohim does it mean Jehovah,
you need the blaze of the holy ghost
to discern the scriptures,

in the torah part of scripture it says
that the lord stayed at the inn
waiting to kill Moses, that wasn't
the father Jehovah but the lord
Satan, like I said just cuz it says
lord or Elohim does it stand for

one of those heads deadly wounded
was that of Y'shua who rose again,
it is allegory for Y'shua, again miss
interpretation due to the wicked
inclinations of men in power, it also
means the last man who will have
a deadly wound to his emotional
awareness or consciousness &
wake up & be blazed by the holy
ghost & wake up in terms of
awareness & consciousness,

the first beast is the Lord & the
second beast with the mouth of
a dragon is basically the same
story of the righteous being the
locusts, he has a command on
speaking in the spirit that is like
the power of a scorpion stinger
or the powers of the wicked
with their women, he is basically
a man after the Lord who has
the same powers of the wicked,
as pre Y'shua the righteous lived
by the sweat of their brow while
the wicked had the power of the

& pretty much the only reason
the father sent Y'shua was that
in the holy ghost now entering
the scene that the righteous would
have the same & greater power
than that of the crossroads in the
baptism of the fire of the holy ghost,

Y'shua's talk on divorce was an allegory
of his divorce from Isarel as he was
their husband but on his death was the
divorce writ for Israel, & in his death
he was divorced from Israel so they
could marry another,

god talked to Noah huh, if I were a
laborer on the spire of the temple &
the guy I was with were like Peter &
said wow, Jesus you're so holy &
cool why don't you jump off the
temple cuz the angels love you so
much cuz you are so cool, maybe if
you jump the angels will catch you,

so Jesus tells peter to get thou behind
my Satan cuz you don't know god's
plan, so Noah cuts down a few trees
to make a fishing boat & then he
decides he wants a yacht, so his wife
says, love it I'd love a yacht to fish
from, so Peter as Noah's wife tells
Noah to build a yacht & after a while
Noah gets the idea to travel with a live
stock so he begins to build an ark to
travel with then he sees clouds forming
as he trims more trees & then he thinks
what if it rains, so in here the ark is born,

in the end people will be getting married
& given in marriage, this will be a holy
thing, the righteous will be getting married
& being given in marriage, the book of
revelations 7 end time messages are for
the holy & a promise for them to succeed
& to rise, the end of days will be the turn
of the righteous to prevail & not the wicked,

in Noah's day the wicked were in triumph
but in the end of days the promise will be
for the righteous to prevail, end days
messages are for the promise of the
righteous to prevail, the new Nephilim
will be the righteous unlike how it was in
Noah's day, the righteous will prosper in
marriage which is being baptized by the
holy ghost & not the regular women
who are demonic,

in the end the Lord says people will be
getting married & be gicven in marriage,
this is that for the promise of the righteous
to meet the holy ghost at the crosssroads
& more to be baptized by the holy ghost
than that of wicked women, in the end of
days the righteous will become the powers
of the Nephilim cuz the end of days is for
the promise of the holy not the wicked,

it has been said the end will be bad for
the saved but those who say that aren't
in alignment of the truth of the message
which is the saved to prevail & succeed,
in the end is the redemption of the holy
& their succeeding, no mass slaughters
of the holy but of them in triumph,

bulls or the ascent of the powers of the
wicked in stone to serpent to scorpion
are at enmity to Oxen or the ascent to
the powers of the righteous in bread to
fish to egg,

basically an oxen which I am is the
power of the holy ghost, those oxen or
those empowered by the holy ghost
are at enmity to the bull or stone or
serpent or scorpion, if you desire the
power of the holy ghost you basically
have one chance at the crossroads
to decide,

if you bull or scorpion that was your
one chance, you can't track back to
Ox yourself, if you were wicked like
Paul you have a chance but if you
were a religiodite & slipped you had
your chance,

Paul is the image for bulls to transverse
the crossroads, but it took him through
a vast of trials, if you desire the powers
of the holy ghost & you are a bull or
the ascent in a scorpion don't even bother
you'll never get it,

one chance at the crossroads to decide,
if you are a bull or the ascent of the
wicked in being a scorpion you'll get
nothing of the holy ghost, the holy ghost
is at enmity to bulls stones serpent or

you can't track back the crossroads to
get the holy ghost, if you so desire, the
holy ghost is on the opposite side of
that of stone serpent scorpion or bull,
you'll never get the holy ghost,

oxen is the last letter in hebrew & it means
1,000 or the power of God Jehovah, at
enmity to the ascent of the wicked in
stone serpent scorpion or bull, you
can't train oxen they do as they will,

it's the inclination of the heart that
decides the becoming a bull or oxen,

men create bulls, Jehovah creates Oxen,

the 1st beast of Revelations 13 is that of the
Lord Y'shia who died & came back from
the dead, the second beat with horns of a lamb
& the mouth of a dragon is the second prophet
who uses his power to make men worship the
Lord who is the first beast,

his mouth like a dragon is the term for his power
& his mouth being used for judgement against the
wicked, the inclinations of the wicked & pastors
or the religious who translated the scriptures did
so in error, you can bank on every monster
in scriptures being holy & sent from the Lord,

the beast who had the fatal wound & recovered
is that of the Lord Y'shua, the second beast is
the second prophet who makes all men bow
down to the Lord & confess that he is Lord,

the sour wormwood that kills people isn't
literal but allegorey for those who took a
sour spirit at the crossroads & in so their
spirit died, the burned up trees & grass
are all a type of person, as when a blind
was being healed by Y'shua the blind said
he saw men as trees walking, this is a sign,

in the torah part of scripture the Father
Jehovah told Jacob not to clear cut in those
areas they conquered cuz they were trimming
themselves a tree or grass as a type of
person & now their land is barren& desert,

part of what King Hyram said to Solomon
conned Solomon to clear his own forest to
make the temple, yep, Hyram conned
Solomon out of his own forests in Israel,

when Jesus spoke of people needing to eat
his body & drink his blood, this was a modern
practice in those days as the jewish were
cannibalistic, any who hung were eaten by
the ruling Pharisees,

the reason those who fell away was cuz they
were under the impression that Jesus came
for a physical kingdom & they thought how
do we have a king out of you if we need to
eat you, this is why so many fell away so fast,
cuz he was speaking on their terms of his death,

when Jesus said they needed to eat his body
& drink his blood they knew he was speaking
in the terms of crucifixion, & that was how his
rule would begin, so they all packed it in &
left cuz how does a dead rule, but his kingdom
is not of this world he told Pilate,

his early followers thought he was gonna be
a fleshly literal humanistic rule & not a thing
of the spirit which what Jesus was trying to
explain in the terms of how he would die
being how his kingdom would rule,

I am lead to believe that when Naaman was
healed Elisha's servant cojouled his men into
helping him eat Naaman & in so garnering
the power of his cleansing, but little did he
know the results, they were cannibalistic
back then like eating the heart of your
enemy for power rites,

leprosy is near created by one thing, cannibalism,

peter get though behind me satan,

then satan told Jesus to jump the
temple ledge who told him was it
peter or the devil in peter, how
the devil tell Jesus to eat or bow
down, was it the devil, I trust
people just not the devil inside them,

peter get though behind me satan,

just an insighjt, 4 women with not right
flora & fauna, try eating a 5 - 7 tbsp of
honey everyday to purify the system,

if a woman is in an STD situation see if a
copious amount of honey will blaze your
yaya & clean it out in terms of the microbial
attachments of honey especially Australian,
can't recall the name, but really try
something un pasteurized,

if porn studios go up in flames then the entire
global under ground economy will flatten the
worlds of finance & luxury, if porn goes
down then the entire world of economy &
finance will take a massive blow to the nuts,
porn is the globe's entire under ground
economy & if porn takes a blow to the
chuzpaz then the entire planet will get it's
nuts handed to them,

I wonder if there were a dam holding water
back from the plains of Sodom & Gomorrah
& that part of the light up for them was a
dam being broken & the valley being filled
in, just a guess, for the creation of the
dead sea,

my guess at John & the revelation of the
Apocalypse is whether someone slipped
him a mickey & he got re acquainted
with all the words he heard from the lord,
that the visions were by a drug cocktail
someone slipped him & it opened up to
him the remembrance of the words of the
Lord & it all came out in the way the
book was written as if it were a psychadelic
given him without him knowing & he
channeled the message that the opening
of the portal in his mind got in touch with
due to the cocktail he may have been given
& the remembrance of the Lord made the
message as he wrote it,

the remembrance of the Lord & his words
brought out this channeled message in terms
to the remembrance of the words of the Lord,

my reason for this psychedelic cocktail
is that I have a person breaking into my
place on a regular basis with the aid of
the local police & they are spiking my
food & this is like being baptized by the
holy ghost & it opens channels for the
intellect & creations on the vanguard of
sciences, possibly if not for who ever is
breaking in & spiking my food with the
aid of the local police I'd not have the
knowledge & insight or intellect I have of
scripture & sciences,

I wonder if Jesus melted & re-created
reality out of clay as I imagine his drink
& food could have been spiked with
psychedelics like Mandrakes,& the
reason Jesus became God was cuz those
who spiked his food & drink with
psychedelics created a situation where
Jesus was able to divide the lines &
create a new plastic world off the division
of his days in the wilderness & the
dividing of the psychedelic & that of
reality & he was able to divide & create
out of it by placing a part from the
psychedelia into the reality world &
some from the reality world into the
psychedelic & that he was able to
divide both worlds & remake them
together in parts to create a new
world to even raise him from the dead
with the spiritual portals being opened
to the world of reality & he was able
to create a new creation with one hand
& foot in the spiritual like world of the
psychedelic & a hand & foot in the
world of contemporary know realty,

possibly the spiking of Jesus food &
drink allowed him to remold reality in
a plastic fashion to even raise himself from
the dead off the creation of a new reality
he made from the drugs possibly given him
that he altered reality to do the things he
did by cracking spiritual portals through
the possible him being drugged by
psychedelics & this gave him the power
to divide & alter the two or more realities
given him,

edited now 18-12-2013 11:23 PM
tonight saw lotta shaznitat going down
in the spirit, not fairies & monsters but
reading the activities I encountered
tonight, nope no monsters just reading
the activities & happening on this night,
reading between the lines on what I
experienced tonight,

oh baby, get ready cuz shaznitat is going
down, get ready to see the Lord in action,
if you are strong enough in the Lord you'll
be able to divine the situations you are in to
read in a divinsion of the spirit & the flesh what
the Lord is doing in your life & those around you,

get ready to see the Lord russle things up,
if I told you what I saw tonight & what it meant
if you are in the Lord, oh boy, you'll love the
next while as to when the Lord begins to
pull through in our lives what he showed me


how much porn & christian media one
brand like Viacom has,

what, where am I supposed to get clean water,

if people have a problem with gravity don't
bother brining it to me I never created it,
I( just laugh at those who have no handle
on realithy the way it was created to weed
out the idiots for those who have a modicum of

how many in positions of power thought
God wanted them to kill people,one of
Jerry Falwells last quotes was I hope George Bush
blows em all away in the name of the Lord,

so who was his God, hmm,

if I don't know what I'm talking about don't
bother dropping by to ask me anything then,

what the pillar of american health doesn't smoke,
go watch a film bruv,

if Jerry Falwell likes people dead maybe he's
finally enjoying himself, see ya bro,

Matthew 7:15

King James Bible
Beware of false prophets, which come to
you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they
are ravening wolves.

Joshua wasn't just talking about false prophets
but from Genesis 49:27

King James Bible
Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning
he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall
divide the spoil.

revelations 13

The Beast out of the Earth
11 Then I saw a second beast, coming out of
the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it
spoke like a dragon.

12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast
on its behalf, and made the earth and its
inhabitants worship the first beast, whose
fatal wound had been healed.

13 And it performed great signs, even causing
fire to come down from heaven to the earth
in full view of the people.

14 Because of the signs it was given power to
perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived
the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them
to set up an image in honor of the beast who
was wounded by the sword and yet lived.

15 The second beast was given power to give
breath to the image of the first beast, so that
the image could speak and cause all who
refused to worship the image to be killed.

16 It also forced all people, great and small,
rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a
mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,

17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they
had the mark, which is the name of the beast
or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who
has insight calculate the number of the beast,
for it is the number of a man.[e] That number is 666.

the wolf in sheeps clothing is that of the
second beast, he has the mouth of a dragon,
he is Genesis 49:27,

he is not a wicked but another form of prophet,

he is sheep trully but like that of Elijah he
uses the power of God as a weapon to
destroy the wicked,

the second beast with the horns of a lamb
& the mouth of a dragon is like unto how
Elijah was, in being of the Lord but viscious
to the wicked,

the mouth of a dragon is the visage of a righteous
who speaks power, not as a wicked but as it
were having the powers of the Lord through the
same power as the wicked used to have,

the mouth of a dragon is the idea that he
has no mercy fort the wicked & destroys
the way Elijah did with fire from heaven,

the second beast a righteous creates a tension
that all will worship the first beast who is
the Lord & how as Y'shua died he revived
from his death, & the second beast who is
the character most call the anti-christ,
but if you look at Daniel 11:37 & you
know what a woman is, he rebuffs the
women who come to tempt him like
they tried to tempt Jesus,

in Daniel the little horn speaks blasphemy
against the powers of heaven, this is of the
Son of Perdition who is code named, &
he speaks actually versus the top eschalons
of human powers not actually that of heaven
but the top tiers of human power, the top
tiers of human power here are called the
powers of heaven, all code or tongues,
the term for tongues is better called allegory
& the whole bible is a book of tongues,
code & allegory,

the wolf is sheeps clothing is a righteous
who in the sheep is viscious to the wicked,
he is not a wicked but a type of sleeper to
awake & dstroy the wicked & any who
do not worship the Lamb wgho is the first

god would never give the wicked the ability
to rise from the dead, why would he, his
son Jesus was the wounded head who revived,

the seven heads for the spirits, the horns, go
investigate, it is the Lord, all those monsters
thought wicked are the righteous finally taking
control & using the same form of powers the
wicked used to use,

if a guy with long hair were a wicked & he
killed people, god would create a monster
with long hair & steal the visage of the long
hair as a form of the power, if the guy had long
hair & a spear, god would give his code guys
long hair & spear in the vision,

the the wicked had pack dogs to hunt, God
would create a vision where the righteous
had dogs to hunt, the locusts with stingers,
yep, the ascent of spiritual powers for the
wicked are stone serpent & scorpion, so
god gives the vision of the righteous with
powers of a scorpion cuz he will never
leave his own unprotected or unarmed,

has god ever raised a wicked person from
the dead, pfft,

the guy who ended the 7 years peace treaty
was Judas at the death of Jesus, & after that
there was war, before Jesus the wicked were
in control but after Jesus died & gave out the
holy ghost then there was war,

the Millenial reign began at the cross,

do people think that God is going to
equip the wicked, don't be stupid,

the locusts with the hair of women is the
term for the wicked & their women & that
the righteous would also rule with the like
power of women, if you know what a
woman or bird is, then you catch my drift,
the mouths of lions, meh, the Lion of Judah
& his power,

not a bank, not an arrow,

most likely the angels sent to Babel & Sodom
& Gomorrah were just men & not literal angels,

if they were men they were guys who knew
their mustard & did a little dance & jig &
boom everything fell apart,

if they were just men, yep like Melchexzidek,
knew their mustard & knew how to talk &
act in order to create the dissolution of the
cohesion of those societies,

like Joshua might have conned people into
think if they all got cruxed that they could
rise & be gods,

a virus they created in the social consciousness,
like telling everyone about Y2K & people
losing their nuts, I imagine even Y2K saw
an amount of people on medication out of
the fire & hysteria of the fear mongering,

like guys who try to assasinate the pope
or Reagan, people falling for the bait,

the jesus I never knew

in a day when the state of Israel ruled
by the Roman Empire was at a reluctant
peace due to the Roman over see of power,

a day when there are upstarts trying to stir
a nation to fight back control from the Empire,

terrorists rising from the land of Israel trying
to create a rally to take back their nation,

one by one new leaders being bred by the
Pharisees to take the heat & make a move
to separate from the Roman Empire,

the days, small factions in the desert coming
up against Roman waves coming in to
bring peace back with a hard hand,

then one day there is a man, a man head
& shoulders larger than his peers, a man
named Joshua,

Joshua starts out as a meek & well tempered
man, as he tries to teach peace to his people
& reason with them as a woman in marriage to
the Roman Overlords it's husband,

some treat Joshua with joy & adulation, a very
intelligent man, he knows the leaf & root of
medicine, he knows rock, stone branch & leaf,
he knows meat & blood & bone,

he hears the voices in the wind, he in his
thirties is a laborer on the temple of Herod,
he hears the voice of the spirit, he evangelizes
his Jehovah to those around, one day he is
up on the spire of the temple placing things
together & his work mate a top antagonizes
the Joshua,

the work mate says, "oh Joshua look at you,
you are so holy & righteous, here's a plan for
you, how about you jump off the temple
ledge I'm sure that Jehovah would send a
legion of angels to save you, like the psalmist
said not a foot will be dashed, go jump oh
holy Joshua"

Joshua replies, "you know what satan, if I could
escape such a fall on my own & sprouted wings
I'd probably jump like you said, but if I don't
need the doting from God to eat I'll stick to
mutton thank you,"

in time restlessness from fellow laborers gets
Joshua to lose his job know that most if not
all the revisions of the architecture was his,
they let him go,

in time as Joshua heals the fellows of his nation
with roots & leaves, mud from the Dead Sea's
beaches & ointments made from local fruits,

the day of the Lord's wrath begins, as the newly
minted Joshua & his disciples travel the nation &
Joshua meets the hearts of stone, he changes
from the cordial meek soft hearted leader to
a man full of anger & rage for those trying to
stifle him & buck the Father Jehovah & His
placement of Israel under the rule of Rome,

Joshua now frustrated with his people begins
throwing over tables in the synagogues &
beating up Pharisees & swearing & getting
violent & full of the Day of the lord as he
begins to fight back against the religious
ruling class with course language & fisticuffs,

all to culminate in his scourging before a
crucifiction that never takes place as the
centurians scourge Joshua so bad that he
dies only three quarters to a full hour into
his scourging, the plan to hang him, but
alas the scourging proved to brutal for
the insurgent to last even one hour before
he dies,

pastors in Canada teach money, pastors in the
USA teach psychology,

fear not death, even the reaper is thrown into
the lake of fire, the chenneroth,

if Viacom owned tonnes of porn in it's business
& some christian media, where can one go for
clean water,

the sea of the Chenneroth I believe had
pyers of dead floated on it, the same sea
Jesus walked on & saved Peter from
drowning, Jesus walking on the Lake of
Fire & Peter who rained curses on himself,
the allegory,

Jesus prayed for Peter cuz the devil
asked to sift him like wheat, hence Peter
sinking in the Chenneroth, Peter raining
curses on himself, yep right there, the
lord walking on the Lake of death & peter
sinking in it till the Lord saved him,

the Lord may not have even literally
walked on the water as much as
command the hands of death, who
knows, I don't know it all,

the Lord would have been like a Professor
Xavier in talking people into their lives or
their deaths,

if you can't understand a paradox or allegory,
you'll never understand the bible, it's in
insider speak for those in the know, knowing
the catch phrases etc,

dunno if I have it in here, but the 5 wise
& foolish was taken up by Vlad Dracul
& making feasts for the poor & barricading
them in & burning the barn they ate in,
5 wise got in the 5 foolish never made it,
paradox, huh,

the prodigal son, he didn't come back
for a blessing, he came back to get judged,
hence the gutting of the fatted calf,
he lived fun till he had to come back &
face his father, judgement not redemption,

if Jesus knew like he told John that no
flesh that saw him could live, I imagine
he may have literally laughed through
the whole scourge if he like he said,
no flesh that saw him could live,

Exodus 33:20
King James Bible
And he said, Thou canst not see my
face: for there shall no man see me, and live.

imagine if this went for Jesus too,

how many you think would be dead,

 there are only two demonic spirits to make note of,

in Joshua's day of life, he made mention of the
greatest & the least or the last shall be first
& the first shall be last,

names I could probably have a safe guess if I thought
about it long enough,

the first shall be last & the last shall be first,

meaning is this,

the first in the garden will be the last as well,

& the last will be first, which is, the last of the
days of BCE being the one who got into Judas,
yep that was the first last,

the first first was in Eden, the first last was
the one in Judas,

the last of the firsts will take place in the days
of Armageddon, while the fisrt last only has one
shot with Judas,

it's a headgamed trying to get your head around
the jargon,

but the first in the garden of Eden will be the
final last in the game, while the first last
only gets Judas,

if you know what Metthew 21:31 & how the harlots &
publicans will entire heaven first before the righteous,
interpreted, it means women or birds & human saved,

so if Joshua says birds or women are going to heaven,
take it as fact,

the last in the end who was in Eden is Lucifer,
Lucifer is also Jerusalem in allegory,

in Revelations it says the New Jerusalem will
arrive like a bride for her husband, so the Last
who was first is Lucifer the New Jerusalem
purified as Jesus would have said, get me,

so the last who was in Judas would have been
the devil or Satan,

yep, the demonic are going to heaven, God loves
women huh, & what would a party be with out the
hookers huh,

the two beasts,

the first beast is Joshua,

the second beast is the proposed Son of Perdition,

the paradox is whether you can understand the bible's
lingo & see through the paradoxes that are revelations
& dreams,

the second beast with horns & the mouth of a dragon,
the first beast is Joshua, & the head that was wounded
& rose again is Joshua, why would God give the devil
power to raise the dead, he wouldn't,

the beast with the moth of a lion is that of Jehovah & the
wounded head was Joshua at his death & then as he
rose again from death,

the mouth of the Lion is that of Joshua being the Lion
of Judah, the multi headed monster is that of Jehovah
& his many faucets, a leopard the feet of a bear, the
Dragon giving him power,

unless you can understand a paradox & the way
some teach you'll never understand the scriptures,

the second beast is that of the guy from Daniel 11:37,
he will have no desire of women, doesn't mean he will
be gay but that he will deny women at the crossroads,

he will be the second beast, horns like most sheep
back then used to have, & the mouth of a dragon
which means he will use the same power those
with women use, he will cause all men to worship
the first beast who is Jehovah & Joshua who had
the deadly wound & rose again,

it is a paradox as most who try to speak over
others to stop the blossoming of the spirit in
those who are of the Lord, many who are wicked
speak a curse to stop the righteous from
blossoming & here is a paradox of God speaking
promise over his who shall reign,

it is a paradox as the Lord spoke of the 5 wise &
foolish virgins, like how they used to make banquets
to barricade the door & burn the barn with the poor
inside eating, are you wise or foolish for being at
the banquet while they burned the barn down,

the story of the army of locusts is this, dunno if
I wrote about it but, the locusts are of the righteous,
the women's hair is that of the power of those who
have women so the righteous will have that same
power like having the mouth of a dragon,

the tail of scorpions is that of the righteous
having the pinnacle of power that the wicked
would have, the mouths of lions like that of
Joshua the Lion,

they will torment those not of the lord,

I've been to the crossroads about 8-10 times
& denied a woman each time, each time a
new demonic spirit & denied them all, been
baptized by the fire of the holy ghost more
times than I can count, the first time I got
baptized by the fire I had the state of Zen
Enlightenment for about 30 days till it left
cuz I wasn't strong enough to hold onto it,

the pinnacle of the fire of the holy ghost is

those who try to hold the heads down of
those blossoming in the spirit of the Lord,
God will judge hard on those trying to
deny the growth of his righteous seed,

I am lead to believe the dragon is one
more appendage of God & his throne,
missnamed missplaced by those who
know not the scriptures,

in Daniel the little horn speaking to
blaspheme the heavens means this, he
is a godly person who blasphemes the
 top echelons of human powers,

the heavens is allegory for those humans
in top tier power places, it's not literal,
it is in code, the little horn is one of Gods
& he speaks against the powers of the

if people still think the little horn is going
to be gay off the Daniel 11:37 verse,
then obviously they don't know what
a woman is, cuz the little horn takes
no wife or bird, that is if you know
what a woman is,

if the bible is about one thing, that one
thing would be about women, but unless
you know what a woman is you won't
understand it,

Revelations 13, the mouth of a Dragon,

two guys in the ring for a boxing match,
one Le Blanc the other La Nuit, you could
go so far as to say the Le Blanc has the
fists of a La Nuit, the mouth of a Dragon,

a heavy metal band has long hair, it could be
said they have the hair of women, yet they are
still men,

the second beast with the mouth of a dragon,
possibly had the fists of a La Nuit, but is
still not La Nuit, the locusts with the hair of
women, but still not women, but they do
have the atributes of women, the locusts
with scorpion tails but still not scorpions
but have the powers of scorpions, the
mouths of lions, but still not lions but the
powers of lions,

a Le Blanc, but the fists of a La Nuit,

by & large the interpretations of scripture
is full of error,

the beast is a righteous & the mark is
allegory for those with the mark of the
Lord in them,

unless you can understand a paradox you'l
never understand the scriptures,

the mark ain't sumpin physical but emotional
& spiritual,

the two beasts in Revealtions 13 are both
a righteous, why would the Lord reliven a
demonic person, does that make sense to

the first beast with the head dead is that
of Joshua & his ressurection, the seven
heads trascripted from the 7 spirits of God
& the 7 churches, the 10 horns from
something I can't understand right now,

I'm very sure the Dragon is Jehovah who
gave the beast his power, aka, Jehovah
giving power to his son,

the second beast a type of prophet who
holds the standard for Joshua, the mouth of
a dragon, that is the mouth of Jehovah,

I had a dream last year of a consttilation
of a very grotesque creature & it was an
image of Jehovah, he is not a man but a
very grotesque monster, if you thought
Satan was scary try facing this constellation,

the Father is the Dragon giving powers
to his son, I can't think of one reason
why the Father would resurrect a wicked

the first beast is God & the appendages of
his person spirit & Son,

the second beast is the Last prophet to tote the
message of the Lord,

the chracter Appolyon is from the grek myth
of Narcissus & being trapped in the pond &
his reflection till he breaks free & arises as
the destroyer Appolyon,

the bible is by far the least understood &
misinterpreted book in circulation,

unless you realize that the Bible is a
book about women you'll never get to
first base interpreting it,

in thessalonians he says a great falling away
would usher in the Lord, the meaning of
the scriptures has been lost, at one time
the word Mad used to mean insane, but
now it just means angry,

the meanings of words & messages has
changed over the years, in Paul's day a
great falling away would have meant a
turn of those in wickedness repenting &
turning to the Lord,

but like i said the meanings of words &
messages has changed, at one time the
word fag used to mean cigarette or gay
meaning happy, but like I said words
change as slang evolves,

Isaiah 4:1 talks of 7 women taking the
tassle of a man, literally & allegorically
this is Orion & the 7 sisters & the rod
the man,

the 7 churches or the 7 demonic spirits
in whole & an 8th for the crown, these
7 demons are allegorically the 7 Canaanite
kingdoms that the Hebrews never
conquered & the 8th hanging one being

can't remember where in Duetronomy or
Exodus the 7 canaanite kingdoms are named,
but there is an 8th hidden which i that o Egypt,
Egypt being the crown of the demonic or the rod
or sword or Lion of Orion,

the 7 demonic as it were that of the reference
to Matthew 21:31 in that harlots &
publicans getting to heaven before the
righteous as it were,

I believe there are also 7 spirits of God
numbered in Isaiah 11, & two desperate
children a sucking child & a weaned
child I believe, these two are one being
the wounded head of the beast from
Revelations 13, & the other child the
second beast,

two children & the two beasts of Revelations 13,
one child comes first the next picks up the slack
& message of the first beast & makes all
worship the first beast being Christ, & the
second beast being a prophet to one day
ring in the return of the first beast the Lord Joshua,

the beasts are both a righteous as like all
scriptures are, they are misinterpreted &
misunderstood, unless you are privy to
the biblical lingo you will always get the
interpretation wrong,

unless you can understand a paradox
you'll never get the scriptures correctly

can't remember where but I thought it
was in Corinthians that Paul said the
sinner had done his penance & was
now accepted, this was Paul saying that
after the death of Joshua that the sinner
being Satan was now clean to enter heaven,
just can't remember where that passage was,

but that passage I believe was in
Corin6thians was Paul saying that Satan
had paid his dues & could enter the
Lord's rest,

I reiterate the tempting of Joshua by Satan,
was most likely not Satan revealed physically
but the same way he told Joshua that he
would never die as Satan spoke through Peter,

the Lord replied buy get thee behind me Satan,
so it's most likely that Satan entered into people
to tempt the Lord like he was in Peter to tell
Joshua he'd never die, was most likely
Satan entering into people to talk to Joshua
through a host body & Joshua knew each
time the real speaker being Satan & not the
host person that Satan was speaking through,

in the book of Job he says he never kissed
his hand,

this is no different than now those who kiss
their Rosary, same deal, in Job's day they
were crucifying people & when you passed
a cross you'd kiss your hand like they do
now for the Rosary,

in Job's day they hung them on a cross like
a T, it was then called a Tau I believe, but
yep, that's where kissing the Rosary came

now when I'm out at night I kiss my hand
to the Moon, Venus & the Orion constellation,

in the book of Revelations it says the two
witnesses will die & people will give each
other gifts off of this,

anyone realize we give gifts on Christmas day,
could Joshua have died in December 25th,

also, April 1st, the day of fools, anyone wanna
guess why it is the day of fools, right during
spring as well, could Joshua have been born on
April 1st & killed on December 25th,

in Revelations where the Dragon is cast to earth
is like the flood or the 10th plague on Egypt,
Jehovah comes to earth to judge,

like the flood & the 10th plague on Egypt
once more the Father comes to earth to
judge, both plagues the Father comes
down in power to judge,

it could be said that the Father or Dragon
was cast to earth when Joshua 1st arrived
as well,

in the scriptures the Lord Joshua says that
even the son knows not the day of his return,
only the father knows, the Dragon as
Jehovah is in the mouth of the second beast
or the second prophet, it would go to reason
that the second beast or prophet will speak
the Dragon or Jehovah's word on the day
of the Lord's return,

if flesh were the Epirus bow, it would be
the 2nd Beast,

if you don't know what a bird or woman
is you'll never get a clear view of the bible,
the entire bible is about one single thing &
that is women,

if you know what a woman or bird is, then
you can begin to decipher the paradoxes
of the bible, without the understanding of
birds & women you'll never get a true picture
of what the bible is about, the allegories, the
prophecies, the parables, all women or birds,

if you don't know what birds or women are
you'll never understand the scriptures, if you
read the bible & check reality at the door
& think everything is literally about monsters,
you don't know the allegories or paradoxes
of the bible,

when you read the bible you need reality &
if you are a type where the sun revolves
around the earth, well, basic discussion is
beyond you,

people act as if Jesus never ate food or
took a pooh, people act as if God is sitting
on a mountain top, you don't just go out
& kill people, cuz even God told David
that he will never build a temple for
Jehovah, why, well, because David had
a life full of killing people whether it was
uncircumcised or philistine,

 my personal belief in a lot of the things
Joshua did is that it all could easily be
backed by science as even in the
scriptures the sun rises & sets,

except most people once they crack
the pages lose all form of reality &
mental constitution,

you open a bible all of a sudden Jesus
is a three cheese pizza doing nothing
other than unbelievable things like
eating drinking or taking a shat,

but even that is too much for most
religiodites to bear, a man who
actually have a life for more than
ruining the reality of die hard believers,

as if the devil showed up in horns &
wings & hair, or that the fact a guy
can get born & literally die & people
think you're supposed to surrender
your hook on reality for a god made
out of things like putting your tooth
under your pillow,

I imagine the pillow of most religiodites
has at least a couple dozen pounds of
lose teeth resting under them,

as soon as you open a bible everyone
is expected to surrender the basic
concept of reality for the tooth fairy,

as if a bit of salt in some dirt you spit
on can't unclogg the tear ducts or
something other but as simple as that,

on top of Joshua most likely having a
plastic reality, my opinion due to possibly
his mom dosing him with mandrakes,
this, it's easy to talk anyone into believing
what you want them to believe if you're
a good enough talker, I imagine joshua
with a possible plastic reality sucked a
lot of people into his messianic delusion,
I imagine if he believed it that much he
could have caught at least few flat footed,

most of what jesus did was either spit on
salty ground, or bending the reality of
those around him by his strong belief &
sucking them into his personal world,

I've passed a massive amount of the
genesis to the arrival of the crossroads,
scene lotta crazy stuff,

yep, i believe you could horn swaggle a
guy in a wheelchair to get out if you had
the ability to bend his reality enough,

 once you become a religiodite,

you're expected to check
reality at the door,

 my personal belief, is that it wasn't just
the philistines who wanted Samson dead,

put two & two together, dunno why, but
I'd bet a lot it was way more than the
canaanites who wanted him dead,

on top of the 10 plagues, I imagine
every Egyptian understanding it as
well as the last plague,

my belief, very few jews would
hazard to kill a lamb for a fairy tale,

I imagine many jews lost their first born,
while many Egyptians understood the

my opinion is that it probably wasn't
the first time to have happened,

imagine a pathogen that got
nuetered at the lintil of a splash
of blood,

if you wanna be realistic about that event,
who knows, but my belief it was a type of
pathogen that got clipped at the blood
on the frame, kid saved, if no blood,
the pathogen had a free pass to enter
the house,

 my personal belief in a lot of the things
Joshua did is that it all could easily be
backed by science as even in the
scriptures the sun rises & sets,

except most people once they crack
the pages lose all form of reality &
mental constitution,

you open a bible all of a sudden Jesus
is a three cheese pizza doing nothing
other than unbelievable things like
eating drinking or taking a shat,

but even that is too much for most
religiodites to bear, a man who
actually have a life for more than
ruining the reality of die hard believers,

as if the devil showed up in horns &
wings & hair, or that the fact a guy
can get born & literally die & people
think you're supposed to surrender
your hook on reality for a god made
out of things like putting your tooth
under your pillow,

I imagine the pillow of most religiodites
has at least a couple dozen pounds of
lose teeth resting under them,

as soon as you open a bible everyone
is expected to surrender the basic
concept of reality for the tooth fairy,

as if a bit of salt in some dirt you spit
on can't unclogg the tear ducts or
something other but as simple as that,

on top of Joshua most likely having a
plastic reality, my opinion due to possibly
his mom dosing him with mandrakes,
this, it's easy to talk anyone into believing
what you want them to believe if you're
a good enough talker, I imagine joshua
with a possible plastic reality sucked a
lot of people into his messianic delusion,
I imagine if he believed it that much he
could have caught at least few flat footed,

most of what jesus did was either spit on
salty ground, or bending the reality of
those around him by his strong belief &
sucking them into his personal world,

I've passed a massive amount of the
genesis to the arrival of the crossroads,
scene lotta crazy stuff,

yep, i believe you could horn swaggle a
guy in a wheelchair to get out if you had
the ability to bend his reality enough,

btw, it wasn't the LSD, after having a dream
of a certain redhead. booyah, life starts,

not an easy life but meh,