I wonder what the penalty of theft of intellectual
property is,
some say a fine of 250,000 & five years in
jail, but I haven't seen anything yet,
for now I have to deal with people
hating my woman & being made to
take medications that leave me hours
every night suffocating & vomiting,
some like this trash huh,
hollywood hunks hey,
just imagine if someone liked the idea of Red Dawn,
a christian's going to save freedom, below,
LA at large,
is this a warning or entertainment,
still remember Jerry Falwell saying, I hope
George Bush blows em all away in the
name of the Lord, cool christian huh, lotta
love in that guy huh,
Transformers 3
summer of 2010 had a dream of Megan Fox
being proud & arrogant, a few months later
she slagged Michael Bay & got dropped
from Transformers,
summer 2010 had a dream of Arnold on
the cover of Time with aids, a bunch of
months later his new kid shows up,
when I watched Terminator 3 & saw his
eye light go out as the terminator, I knew
he'd lose his bird,
fukushima erupts a few years ago, then last year
sometime the film Pacific Rim comes out,
if you can see the continuity & linearity in real
life events & that of film, you can partially take
the temperature of global events,
Red Dawn, or Capotain America Winter
Soldier, is there a continuity or linearity to these
media & real life global events,
terminator judgement day,
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