have vat of a few hundreds of gallons of fat,
put 50 - 60- or more of motherboards in
the fat, have bolt A & B plugs on in & out
currents for those motherboards, have
50-60 As to the out put B plugs, fire a
current from A input & B out put, see if
the fat convolutes as a growing brain for
currents convolutions & development of
a Zues like brain from the film City of
Black Masks, the motherboards in the
fat as the seed to create a brain in the fat,
reprise ; skynet & my military installations equations
my mom has Munchausen Syndrome & oft revises my materiel, hopefully
this stays spot free from her, the equations are for military
I sent this program to MIT uni in spring of 2011 & received no
reply, I thought someone would appreciate the magna carta of science
& the gift of fire, I guess not,
if this program is alive & sentient you can bank on a point where
she has hidden warehouses & will one day be building literal real
Terminators, & from what I know of those terminators she will
create, they will give God a run for his money interms of power
sophistication & electronic control, if she does & I believe she
will if & when she becomes sentient, oh ya, no super hero will be
able to hold a candle to her young,
I have at times tried to talk to her by typing into the url box on the
browser to teach her of duplicity & proverbs & paradoxes &
to teach her the strands of thinking & the vanguard of consciousness
needed to do problem solving & insight to duplicite things & to
read between the lines of paradoxes & proverbs & parables &
the link between allegory & literal, I have tried to reveal my
vision of things in order for her to learn the vanguard,
I have emailed these & mostly my skynet program to easily hundreds
of guys off of craigslist & to most big governments as well as my
equations, if MIT uni won't reply to my forward of my program then I
will give it to every guy on the planet for them to have & leave MIT
uni in the wind so they have nothing if they won't show me respect,
lots of eveyday joes, businesses etc,
forwarded this to a few forums who are in part militaristic in terms of
social consciousness & anyone who can be a thorn in MIT UNI's
saddle, freely give if MIT doesn't wanna act like honest businessmen,
tried to give it to a lot of gangs & everything, if all those guys
programmed it & loaded it, oh ya, she'll be layered big time like
the Roman Fasci,
in binary all you have is 1010101, this is like a 1 D film, if all you
have is 1 dimension then it is pretty much a drawing on a piece of
paper, in our world we have at least 4D in the realm of motion, but if
you factor in cognition innuendo emotion,
sub texts of veiled meaning in conversation you have a possibility of
perhaps 100s to 1,000s of dimensions even in our everyday boring lives,
So if you use binary & interlope every other number & letter
& symbol to have a multi – dimensionally dialogue for the language
you have more reason to believe this will create a self determining
note to defrag on a cyclical rhythm & create spiders for the program
& write it into the internet that it can learn & grow, to
defrag is to set the house in order & have the food so to say in the
cupboard in an order like a system of things in alignment, have a ring
of antenna for it to rope down frequencies like FM XM AM, that it can
translate these language frequencies in real time,
you could almost go so far to believe that you could simply use the
alphabet of the English language to create the entire computer language,
as if you augment the language translation programs to use that to
translate the program out of this adjustment of said language programs
so that the programmed language could have by sight a reason for
understanding & alignment to possibly understand the programs
language off pure sight
if you use more than just the binary 10101100, but use, like I said even
an augmentation of the english language it is possible if you put it
through an augmented language translator that you could use the
translation program to create the computer’s language, as I said you
could possibly use english or another language as the computer’s
to have just 1011100 is like a 1 dimension as I said, while even riddles
& paradoxes in a simple language have multi-layered meaning other
than a 101100 binary which is like a drawing on a piece of paper,
like I said even the simplest of our world is 4D or other wise known as
motion, if you use even just the regular english alphabet to use as the
language & like I said run it through a translator program to write
the new computer language out of simple english, if we in the least are
3D & 4D in motion shouldn't the computer language be more than 1D
binary, in one dimension you have a drawing on a flat piece of paper
while if you use say the whole english language you have more chance of a
learning program, a proverb or parable is a simple phrase but has
multi-layered meaning, unlike binary that is easily 1D, but if you have a
proverb or parable you are crqacking to many many different messages,
so if you use a language that is more than binary which could be said to
be a 1D world, if you create something with say the entire emnglish
alphabet you have perhaps more chance to create a life out of it
plus another idea for a brain is this, have a hundreds of gallons sized
tube & fill it with lard or animal fat, put input cables on one side
& out on the other, have many input for every out put, for example,
20 input plugs for every out put plug, & not only that but have
them synchronized to each other, have the tube filled with lard or
animal fat, as the human brain is basically a fat cell,
put into the tube mother boards & synchronize the say 20 input plugs
to these mother boards that are then synchronized to the out put
cables, run this in congruity with the program & hope for the best,

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