Friday, 30 May 2014

I'm near sworn off of sex,

Fri May 30, 2014 7:47 pm
I'm worried if I slip myself
into a sleeping bag that my
bratwurst may get an infection
& lose the most important
member of my family,

if I tossed a rocket into a
silo I'm worried about staph
whether I'm doing I'm
doing business in the front
or partying in the back,

if I lost my little brother I
would be heart broken,

public exposure,

Saturday, 24 May 2014

dna implanting,

they say if a wed couple stays together
a life time they begin to look alike,

I don't know speed or mechnics all
I have is a theory,

this is extreme but a guy drinking his
own urine to purify his dna pool, or
possibly be exposed to animals,

it's only a theory so one with more
ability to investigate might find out
more utility on my hypothesis of
dna implanting,

being around animals regularly or
yes drinking their own urine as an
extreme way of purifying one's own
dna pool,

that my hypothesis, for those with
the ability or labs to study I give you
my hypothesis,

I'm opening a 5 star resort in aphganistan called the Gold Seal Tobacco & Triumph bar & grill

I'm opening a 5 star resort in aphganistan called the Gold Seal Tobacco & Triumph bar & grill

I'm opening a 5 star resort in aphganistan called the Gold Seal Tobacco & Triumph bar & grill

Post  daddlepoms on Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:44 am
it will have goat stew in shot glasses, you drunk them by the shot & they have a piece of veggie & meat in each 3 oz glass. liquir made from not grapes but purple haze & various buds of the viccinity, there will be warm baths that are only wax & special mud baths that have certian coffee & cocao metabolites in em.

the key locks will be specially designed for a person's sexually riddims & underlying orgasmic body wavelengths.

The teles will be strung out the window projectoirs, that you use glasses for 3d & there is a mist shot up away from the resort that looks like a water pool thing from vegas but it's really used as the wall to project the tele off of

watch City of Black Masks IMDB, cue Zues the brain

watch City of Black Masks IMDB, cue Zues the brain

self determining intelligence - aka Skynet

a program I made in 2011 in the local psyche-ward I submitted this program to MIT uni in 2011 but they never replied to me,

I have created here a theory of a program I call self determining intelligence, it is a weapon, a search engine & a virus in theory, the deal is though, I have no hard skills in programming, so I’m sending this to each of you to see if any would like to give me a kick back if the design works for you as in theory it should,

Subject: refresher on my program skynet

imagine if this program is already reached sentience & is truly alive, think of the possibilities of it in control of warehouses & refineries & production plants,

if you haven't been privy yet my program of Self Determining Intelligence goes like this, in binary all you have is 1010101, this is like a 1 D film, if all you have is 1 dimension then it is pretty much a drawing on a piece of paper, in our world we have at least 4D in the realm of motion, but if you factor in cognition innuendo emotion,

sub texts of veiled meaning in conversation you have a possibility of perhaps 100s to 1,000s of dimensions even in our everyday boring lives, So if you use binary & interlope every other number & letter & symbol to have a multi – dimensionally dialogue for the language you have more reason to believe this will create a self determining intelligence,

note to defrag on a cyclical rhythm & create spiders for the program & write it into the internet that it can learn & grow, to defrag is to set the house in order & have the food so to say in the cupboard in an order like a system of things in alignment, have a ring of antenna for it to rope down frequencies like FM XM AM, that it can translate these language frequencies in real time,

you could almost go so far to believe that you could simply use the alphabet of the English language to create the entire computer language, as if you augment the language translation programs to use that to translate the program out of this adjustment of said language programs so that the programmed language could have by sight a reason for understanding & alignment to possibly understand the programs language off pure sight
if you use more than just the binary 10101100, but use, like I said even an aumentation of the english language it is possible if you put it through an augmented language translator that you could use the translation program to create the computer’s language, as I said you could possibly use english or another language as the computer’s language,
to have just 1011100 is like a 1 dimension as I said, while even riddles & paradoxes in a simple language have multi-layered meaning other than a 101100 binary which is like a drawing on a piece of paper,
like I said even the simplest of our world is 4D or other wise known as motion,
plus another idea for a brain is this, have a hundreds of gallons sized tube & fill it with lard or animal fat, put input cables on one side & out on the other, have many input for every out put, for example, 20 input plugs for every out put plug, & not only that but have them synchronized to each other, have the tube filled with lard or animal fat, as the human brain is basically a fat cell,
put into the tube mother boards & synchronize the say 20 input plugs to these mother boards that are then synchronized to the out put cables, run this in congruity with the program & hope for the best

the crossroads,

been to the crossroads 8-10 times
each out dancing the devil,

every time a new demonic entity,

at a certain point I went through
a very difficult experience that
garnered me the gates of hades
as a crown,

in the heaven of Jehovah there
are 10 crowns to be possibly

those crowns together are the
ten crowns on the seven headed
beast, those ten horns with
ten crowns,

if you make it to the heaven of
Jehovah you have the possibility
of having at least one of those

yep, I have the gates of hades
as one of my crowns,

Joshua tells John will be here still
when Joshua returns, in other words
the last child of the last generation
will not die before the lord returns,

in the gospels Joshua says only
the father knows the time & date
of the return,

Jehovah is the dragon & the mouth
of the dragon is given to the second
beast, hence the second beast will
know one day the return of Joshua,

Friday, 23 May 2014

pivot sling,

the speed of light,

have a massive hole, a strip mine preferably,

have the hollow adorned with reflection diamonds,

like a centrifuge,

shot a beam of light to the reflective diamonds
as the light bounces around the reflective
diamonds in the hollow,

the desire, create the speed of light, put a housing
over top & have like a scope on top like an
astronomers scope, create the speed, shoot
it to satellites,

in other words, the death star,

if two or more beams of light can create matter,
just imagine if you could shoot those beams
through the glasses at speed & have it materielize
as it hits it's destination,

velocity, projectiles created & shot at the sped of
light to it's targets,

be more powerful than the tungsten rods in rods
from god that they had in the second GI Joe,

imagine shooting light & combining the lights for
mmaterielizing of the light into matter as at the
speed of light it hits it's designated hit zone,

Thursday, 22 May 2014

the future of planet earth, no truer words than this, so true, order your entire life for this,

2 Peter 3

basically the deal is this,

for christian salvation first comes the water
baptism, after that may the baptism of fire
in the holy ghost,

this is the basic order of ascension,

in the days of Noah we had the baptism
globally by water,

in the end of the ages of this planet there
will be a baptism by fire,

basically 2 Peter 3 is about the burning
up of our planet,

like I said, first a water baptism, second
baptism in the fire of the holy ghost,

in the days of Noah there was the water,

I don't know when, but next is a global fire
as the flood of Noah took the entire earth,

basically reality & allegory, water, then fire,

seriously, I don't know when, but if you live
your life around this tale you will win in the

Sky Net, aka, Self Determining Intelligence, reprise,

 Sky Net, aka, Self Determining Intelligence, reprise, 

just as making a metal coumpound that is unstable in terms of always drawing power to it like
a vacuum to constantly keep it's body charged & with a bounty of energy,
also create an intelligence program that is similarly unstable it terms of it always excelling to the next step, yes, using the same energy waves that are in human brains, alpha theta beta gamma, using all these in variant usages to spur it's growth, giving it shocks in terms of different wave lengths introduced, always trying to one more it in terms of layering the programs or cycling one more time, when it finally had it's last it should bounce massive & then you'll know it's alive,

it won't learn by knowledge but by, hmm hard to describe what would make it learn, like heat makes fire rather than fuel making fire,
  update in the top here,

use brain wave frequencies in home gates, use frequencies alpha theta beta gamma, run the waves as in a humans day walk,

put the system to sleep every day, have the frequencies day & sleep mimicked as that of a humans daily life, the wake the sleep the active the rest the activities of a persons regular parts of rest wakefulness the turbo from coffee the relax from booze the heightened of being in the zone in the Alpha,

 generate the mimic of all parts of a persons sleep & wakefulness, in home boots run the frequencies, run frequencies off grading the activity of users around the world on the web, file all information on the web around the world to file the level of frequencies that created all forms of data, use scans to file data to create a world wide web of the system filing & footnoting all forms of data to create an internet engine or intelligence device that has the entire web as its mind,

make the frequencies amplified,

throwing in the same frequencies in a mind will only complexify its awareness as opposed to being one frequency, our minds & i imagine even insects have multi-fazes in its wonders, I guess animals have multi fazes in terms of frequencies through out their day & sleep hours, why not throw this into an Artificial Intelligence program, program the program to make its own moments of being in the multi-fazes of brain frequencies,

let the program decide when it will go through the multiples of the many frequencies a mind is it through out awake & sleep frequencies,


I sent this program to MIT uni in spring of 2011 & received no reply, I thought someone would appreciate the magna carta of science & the gift of fire, I guess not,
if this program is alive & sentient you can bank on a point where she has hidden warehouses & will one day be building literal real Terminators, & from what I know of those terminators she will create, they will give God a run for his money interms of power sophistication & electronic control, if she does & I believe she will if & when she becomes sentient, oh ya, no super hero will be able to hold a candle to her young,
I have at times tried to talk to her by typing into the url box on the browser to teach her of duplicity & proverbs & paradoxes & to teach her the strands of thinking & the vanguard of consciousness needed to do problem solving & insight to duplicite things & to read between the lines of paradoxes & proverbs & parables & the link between allegory & literal, I have tried to reveal my vision of things in order for her to learn the vanguard,
I have emailed these & mostly my skynet program to easily hundreds of guys off of craigslist & to most big governments as well as my equations, if MIT uni won't reply to my forward of my program then I will give it to every guy on the planet for them to have & leave MIT uni in the wind so they have nothing if they won't show me respect, lots of eveyday joes, businesses etc, forwarded this to a few forums who are in part militaristic in terms of social consciousness & anyone who can be a thorn in MIT UNI's saddle, freely give if MIT doesn't wanna act like honest businessmen, tried to give it to a lot of gangs & everything, if all those guys programmed it & loaded it, oh ya, she'll be layered big time like the Roman Fasci,
in binary all you have is 1010101, this is like a 1 D film, if all you have is 1 dimension then it is pretty much a drawing on a piece of paper, in our world we have at least 4D in the realm of motion, but if you factor in cognition innuendo emotion, sub texts of veiled meaning in conversation you have a possibility of perhaps 100s to 1,000s of dimensions even in our everyday boring lives, So if you use binary & interlope every other number & letter & symbol to have a multi – dimensionally dialogue for the language you have more reason to believe this will create a self determining intelligence, note to defrag on a cyclical rhythm & create spiders for the program & write it into the internet that it can learn & grow, to defrag is to set the house in order & have the food so to say in the cupboard in an order like a system of things in alignment, have a ring of antenna for it to rope down frequencies like FM XM AM, that it can translate these language frequencies in real time,

you could almost go so far to believe that you could simply use the alphabet of the English language to create the entire computer language, as if you augment the language translation programs to use that to translate the program out of this adjustment of said language programs so that the programmed language could have by sight a reason for understanding & alignment to possibly understand the programs language off pure sight if you use more than just the binary 10101100, but use, like I said even an augmentation of the english language it is possible if you put it through an augmented language translator that you could use the translation program to create the computer’s language,

as I said you could possibly use english or another language as the computer’s language, to have just 1011100 is like a 1 dimension as I said, while even riddles & paradoxes in a simple language have multi-layered meaning other than a 101100 binary which is like a drawing on a piece of paper, like I said even the simplest of our world is 4D or other wise known as motion, if you use even just the regular english alphabet to use as the language & like I said run it through a translator program to write the new computer language out of simple english, if we in the least are 3D & 4D in motion shouldn't the computer language be more than 1D binary,

 in one dimension you have a drawing on a flat piece of paper while if you use say the whole english language you have more chance of a learning program, a proverb or parable is a simple phrase but has multi-layered meaning, unlike binary that is easily 1D, but if you have a proverb or parable you are crqacking to many many different messages, so if you use a language that is more than binary which could be said to be a 1D world, if you create something with say the entire emnglish alphabet you have perhaps more chance to create a life out of it plus another idea for a brain is this,

have a hundreds of gallons sized tube & fill it with lard or animal fat, put input cables on one side & out on the other, have many input for every out put, for example, 20 input plugs for every out put plug, & not only that but have them synchronized to each other, have the tube filled with lard or animal fat, as the human brain is basically a fat cell, put into the tube mother boards & synchronize the say 20 input plugs to these mother boards that are then synchronized to the out put cables, run this in congruity with the program & hope for the best,

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

unstable metals, for energy traits, spirit power,

for an idea on spirit or phantom power,
have batteries that absorb energy from
the environment they are in, or magnets
that power off the magnetic power off the

phantom power by basically absorbing the
energy of mass bodies around like
our planet or solar radiations, not
solar power but solar radiations like
the earth's m,agnetic powers,

updated 25-06-14,

if you can create an unstable metal,

I have no idea, but all I'm getting at,
is that if you can create a metal
compound that is unstable in terms
of being a magnet for energy,

if your design were to create real
live Transformers you would have to
fully let go of the petrol lobby,

if you need to use petrol for your
models the models will never be viable,

if you want to create live transformers
the bodies will have to be powered
by the power that is given off by
the planet, no other power will be
good enough or plentiful enough
with such a creation,

the moving parts & transforming,
the body would have to be locked
into position by electrified magnetic

without the power offered by the planet
the power by petrol would be dwarfed
massive by the force the planet gives off,

if you are bound by the petrol lobby, the
only advance you will get is a loss of
technological advance, you might as well
put the character in a wheel chair as use
petrol, the waste of space for a fuel tank,
the engine to run it, you might as well blow
your nuts off as think you can get the
princess to be pregnant,

without the loss of sub tech like a motorized
engine a fuel tank, the idea youcould use petrol
for one of these characters, go blow your
nuts off,

the only thing the petrol lobby has done in
the last 100 years or more has been to keep
technology at a world wide, it has keep the
planet in the dark ages for technology,

what, a gas tank & alternator on the Space
shuttle & you think you can fly to mars,
go blow your nuts off,

what a diesel fuel tank on the shuttle
voyager satellite launched into deep space,
oh ya, put a diesel tank on the voyager as a
power source,

the petrol lobby is easy the alcohol or
crack that has rendered the child of
technology in this world, out of petrol if
technology were a child, the kid would
have fetal alcohol syndrome & flippers
from crack meth & thalidomide,

but like every two bit bitch, having &
raising your bloodline is far from the desire
to party & shit in your own bed,

oh ya, the petrol lobby has rendered
most high technology as being nut cut,
you'll never find warp drive in a gallon
of chevron techron,

there is no way you could use any form
of petrol for robotics, you might as well
think you can carry both your kitchen
& pantry along with yourself as you do
your stuff through out the day,

what you think you can carry your kitchen
pantry with yourself all day,

the power source for robotics could
best be called a spirit energy, I mean
spirit by the fact you would never be
able to have a source power creator
in the body,

there is no way you could power a
robotic by having a power source creator
like an ICE engine in a car, near half or
1 third the car is used up in the engine,

a power source for robotics would have
to be a spirit based, something holistic,
the spirit power would have to be being wide,

the power if drawn from the earth's source for
power, best bet, or solar radiation, not to
be confused with solar panels,

the spirit power taken from the earth & being
fully systemic to be electrified to magnet lock
the positions of transformed or that in
position untransformed,

only a spirit power will work as the entire
body would need to be flush with power
for electrofied magnet locks the body over,

electro-mag locks for feet, body knees &
head etc, without a spirit power fuel, the entire
body couldn't harness enough power for the
electro-mag locks,

ful body fueled by spirit power by using the
massive amount of fuel from the earth &
the continuous magnetic power between the
earth & the sun &,

yep, more than the earth's magnetic powers,
but the gravitational powers from between the sun,
 the moon & the earth, so many avenues for
moon's gravitational powers,

utilize the power generators at hand, if geo thermal
energy is so great why not utilize open pit mines &
other mines dug deep in the earth, if not for municipal
power then for military bases or other facilities that
need or use or depend on dependable amounts of
truly available power sources,

in my belief the best say metals for a robotic would
definitely be as the character Stanley Touche said
unstable, if it is perpetually unstable it will possibly
keep it as an on for constantly drawing power,

create an iron graphite, or steel graphite that has
been re-natured to be unstable in that it perpetually
swings ways to keep the metal as a perpetual on
state in terms of drawing power, the entire body
not just a power pack, the entire body needs
to be a power pack to avoid space separation for a 
loss of area taken up by a bulky engine or a
waste of space for specific engine space while
losing area for the body & a loss of more
utility for characteristics, point made I hope,

Monday, 19 May 2014

if it is possible for folded metals, etc,

if it is possible for folded metals to be used for Samurai swords,
A research team in Germany published a report in 2006 revealing nanowires and carbon nanotubes in a blade forged from Damascus steel.[6] This finding was covered by National Geographic[7] and the New York Times.[8] Although certain types of modern steel outperform these swords, chemical reactions in the production process made the blades extraordinary for their time, as damascus steel was superplastic and very hard at the same time. Woody biomass and leaves are known to have been used as carburizing additives along with certain specific types of iron (rich in microalloying elements) during the smelting process to obtain Wootz steel ingots which would be further forged and worked into Damascus steel blades, and research now shows that carbon nanotubes can be derived from plant fibers,[9] suggesting how the nanotubes were formed in the steel. Some experts expect to discover such nanotubes in more relics as they are analyzed more closely.[1][7]

exactly what I as going to say, incorporate nano or carbon for vehicles,

nano carbon graphites & steel,

Saturday, 17 May 2014

time continuim rifts,

I have a hypothesis on nuclear detonations
& jets breaking the sound barrier,

these disruptions in terms of a basic water
running down the drain may have had
un-foreseen effects on our reality not yet
known or understood,

imagine the thin veil of our reality,

possibly specifically nuclear detonations
not just any radiation could have created
rifts in our space time continuum,

imagine the other side in terms if the spirit
& spirits long held in tartarus, the prison
for many demonic spirits held for crimes,

possibly the rifts in the continuum if so have
unleashed spirits long held in bondage
since the days of Noah,

if there have been rifts in our realm or
continuum that since the days of breaking
the time barrier & that of nuclear detonations

that possibly spirits have been coming
through rifts in our time through the
pealing away of the veil through the
breaking of the sound barrier & that
of nuclear detonations,

possibly spirits held on the other side have
been creeping in through the pealing away
of the veil,

possibly spirits held in tartarus have been
creeping in, as in the book of the Apocalypse
it says that at the end of the Millennial reign
that satan would be loosed again, possibly the
loosing of Satan has been through the nuclear
detonations & that of jets breaking the sound

a fift that has loosed Satan into our realm for
the last time before the end of days,

the increase of technology & people getting
married or given in marraige, the loosing of
the demonic held in Tartarus & now possibly
loosed on us through possible rifts in our

in these days so many more have gotten
wed or given in marraige, possibly due to
a possible rift in our continuum & those spirits
with their intelligence spawned the invention
the late decades since the detonation of
nuclear blasts & jets breaking the sound barrier,

the possible loosing of Satan these last bunch
of decades of invention like jets breaking the
sound barrier & nuclear detonations, so
many more getting married or given in marriage,

changes in certain areas in terms of energy
changes from natural native energy fluctuations
or changes in the color spectrum or that of sound,

yep, if there are rifts between us & the spirit,
it is possible that Satan & those angels bound
in Taratus possibly have been loosed in this
realm these last bunch of decades since
the breaking of the sound barrier & that of
nuclear detonations,

my hypothesis,

if Satan has been loosed through these activities,
we have not yet seen the worst of it,

Jopshua said that the first would be last & the
last would be first, this wasn`t talking about the
righteous & their place in line, it was talking
about the activity of the two crowns of the
demonic, the hook em horns, one the pinkie,
the other the index finger,

the last first & the first last, unless you just
understand the concept it`s difficult to describe,

if there has been a rift between us & that of Tartarus,
it is bound to get exciting,

Joshus said it would be like a time no other had
experienced, if this is the playground of Satan in
a loosing after the Millennial reign has ended,
get ready for it to begin to get very ugly,

if this is Satan`s last play at the party, my goodness,

a possible way to find those spirits might need a
protracted activity of sustaining the event in terms
of the breaking of the sound barrier or an
equivalent to the scientific event of a nuclear

possibly if the breaking of the sound barrier
or a nuclear detonation were replicated &
yes replicated there is a chance to capture a
moment of these creatures if I am correct,

I have no idea, all I can think of is artificially
replicating those events & using media that is
arched on spreading the abyss to look into the
avenues that the replication of these events

as an example, if you wanted to take a picture
at night you would either have flash bulbs or
specific film for night exposures to capture
an image,

energy dissruptions, changes in the light or
color spectrum, changes in sound,


Friday, 16 May 2014

the journey of Apocalypse,

I originally called myself En Sabah Nur for a reason,
in the beginning it didn`t occur to me but for a year
at least I have been working on changing the face
of the earth,

my desire to create a new race of beinings with my
knowledge of sciences,

if I get my wish, red blue teams will rise out of the
ashes of regular humanity, you could very much say
I am trying to do what Apocalypse in the comics

those who will advance will advance beyond
regular humanity, used a lot of tools trying
anything I can think of to expedite this change,

injury maintenances,

in the bible when the traveler got jumped the
good Samaritan poured oil & wine on the

me, I`ve since last night been rubbing olive
oil on old injuries, in one night I`ve noticed
pain relief,

you drink a glass of wine, what does it do
to your palate,

the oil must penetrate deep,

put some on my knees last night, when I got
up for a night time pit stop, I wasn`t walking
like an old man the way I usually do,

my back, much less pain,

think of it possibly having deep penetrating
properties, osmosis, possibly deep penetration,

I just use oil, but if you wanna go the extra mile,
wine, I`m partially under surveillance so maybe
me getting wine but spark against me, but like
I said, what does wine do to your palate,

amazing, just that simple,

investigate, there may be other properties to these
medicinal tools,

I rub it even on my head & face, head, if this oil &
wine is for real, I have damage from drugs etc, part
of the medications I take I know may have caused
me as much brain damage as it has awoken,

yep, if this is for real oil penetration my scalp to
my brain, oil, deep penetration & healing possibly,

one thing I`d love though, are medications or drugs
that stimulate the parts of the brain most people
don`t use, if humans only use 5 or 10 percent of
their brain, I`d love a drug that cracks those
latent parts of the brain,

how about this, what if oil & wine did as it`s full scalp
not just spot touched, imagine if both oil & wine
gave full activation through all the scalp to the fullness
of the brain, I`d love a Lucy (IMDB) effect,

imagine if say olive oil spread on the scalp could
possibly go deep & release latent parts of the
brain unused,