Boston Robotics, stretching the mind to it's end an easy neuro therapy for flourishing, Nina Mercedez Adult film star
I have a beautiful gem for you, back in about spring summer 2012 or
earlier I can't recall I came up with a very easy inexpensive
nuero-therapy that definitely has pop, it awakens you to such a core
that it hits even your consciousness & many other things about you
that you take for granted in being yourself & the way you experience
the world, this will give you mileage like most physical training can't
your headphones or your earbuds, keep switching their sides, right side
to the left, left side to the right & back & forth, do this
every 15 minutes or so, constantly, if the fit isn't there loop the wire
over the back of your ear to fit it as I do this, go do research on the
corpus collosum, it is the bridge that unites both hemispheres of the
brain, it is the go between of the right & left sides of the brain,
if you teach one side one side nice, but if you introduce the other
which only that one experiences, well, the left learning what is usually
just for the right, you do this long enough you should experience a
crack in your consciousness, if you do experience this crescendo, boy oh
boy, I have experienced this crack, if you like wise experience this
crack you will know there is much more to learn & know in terms of
the brain & have more than what the physical training has to offer,
if you experience the breaking away from the past latent you, you'll
know there is so much more to life than you realized, you experience
this breaking away using my ear buds technique,

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