Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Johnny Mnemonic, the top document, neuro therapy, mind reprogramming, mind therapy,

 I highly recommend getting elm leaf for tea,
the advents of Christs temptation are in oak
poplar & elm for the temptation for death &
god hood,

I recommend Iron supplements, the first day you
take one you'll know why you want it, stamina
energy, elevation in mood etc,

plus I recommend purchasing the oils of
Frankincense spikenard & myrrh for mystical
experiences & spiritual as well, my belief
as the Lord had his feet washed by the nard
that the scent gave Judas his wife in Satan,

this is my short version with less
explanations as I've gone over this road
with many others, put two & two together,

want a massive swagger popper Sir,

I stared into the pupil of pictures of Natalia Hallelujah Cruze & Nina Hooka James, their eyes, I stared into their eyes for 5 to 10 minutes each, oh yes sir, my swagger all over them,

my belief my swagger I used on Hallelujah & Hooka is what put their names in lights,

do the same to yourself your friends & watch lift off,

I have done this to many world leaders,

you wanna swagger pop do this & watch lift off, not just others but yourself,

you do this & wait for lift off, you'll see changes in people as i have as well,

keep well sir, & something like this I share with near no one,

peace upon your house,


like I said near no one,

I have a beautiful gem for you, back in about spring summer 2012 or earlier I can't recall I came up with a very easy inexpensive nuero-therapy that definitely has pop, it awakens you to such a core that it hits even your consciousness & many other things about you that you take for granted in being yourself & the way you experience the world, this will give you mileage like most physical training can't offer,

your headphones or your earbuds, keep switching their sides, right side to the left, left side to the right & back & forth, do this every 15 minutes or so, constantly, if the fit isn't there loop the wire over the back of your ear to fit it as I do this, go do research on the corpus collosum, it is the bridge that unites both hemispheres of the brain, it is the go between of the right & left sides of the brain, if you teach one side one side nice, but if you introduce the other which only that one experiences, well, the left learning what is usually just for the right, you do this long enough you should experience a crack in your consciousness, if you do experience this crescendo, boy oh boy, I have experienced this crack, if you like wise experience this crack you will know there is much more to learn & know in terms of the brain & have more than what the physical training has to offer,

if you experience the breaking away from the past latent you, you'll know there is so much more to life than you realized, you experience this breaking away using my ear buds technique, you'll learn there is much more to life than A B or C or 1 or 2 or three but decimals & fractions & the conjoining of letters to make words,

as well for the ear buds therapy have a high oil intake, olive oil, castor, grape seed or coconut, they say the brain is near all fat, you do the ear buds therapy & new neurons being created you are re-fabricating your brain, my belief,

booyah meow meow,

on top of writing exercises, write out four or five lines of your favorite book every day, mind programming, I've been doing this for over a year,

I have a beautiful gem for you, back in about spring summer 2012 or earlier I can't recall I came up with a very easy inexpensive nuero-therapy that definitely has pop, it awakens you to such a core that it hits even your consciousness & many other things about you that you take for granted in being yourself & the way you experience the world, this will give you mileage like most physical training can't offer,
your headphones or your earbuds, keep switching their sides, right side to the left, left side to the right & back & forth, me I just keep mine as my left on my right side constantly, if the fits isn't there loop the wire over the back of your ear to fit it as I do this, go do research on the corpus collosum, it is the bridge that unites both hemisphers of the brian, it is the go between of the right & left sides of the brain, if you teach one side one side nice, but if you introduce the other which only that one experiences, well, the left learning what is usually just for the right, you do this long enough you should experience a crack in your consciousness, if you do experience this crescendo, boy oh boy, I have experienced this crack, if you like wise experience this crack you will know there is much more to learn & know in terms of the brain & have more than what the physical training has to offer,
if you experience the breaking away from the past latent you, you'll know there is so much more to life than you realized, you experience this breaking away using my ear buds technique,


 you really want to experience the demonic listen to this Sir,

was at a house meeting, my friend was on the ground & they were praying for him the guy next to me started to reach out his hand, I told him not to but he did anyway,

my friend on the floor has what most people would call a mental illness, but if you listen to me about the truth of mental illness is that it's part demonic influence & part being on the path to the crossroads, those with purported mental illnesses is that they are dealing with women or demonic spirits that are much stronger than those people who have a wife & their sensibilities,

those with weak wives the human rules the house but if the demonic or woman is too strong for the human, in this the woman or demonic rules the house,

basically the difference between the mentally ill & others who have a wife, those with weak wives the human rules the house, if the demonic is too powerful you have a mentally ill,

back to my friend on the floor though, the guy next to me reached out his hand anyway & I saw a flash of a demonic jump on that guy, you really want to experience the demonic go to those purported to have a mental illness, pray & even reach out, you don't need to touch like that guy all he did was reach out,

possibly if you can control your wife, maybe you can control those who are too strong for those purported to have a mental illness,

on top of that, simple reading is fine but to really drive it home, if you read the satanic bible then fine, but writing it out drives the power even harder, it's like cranking it up a few notches,

my belief, before Joshua spoke to Nicodemus I am led to believe non of the pharisees had wives, but in the talk I believe Joshua gave him a wife, whether good or bad means nothing, Nicodemus would have then tried to give the same gift to his friends the other pharisees, in this if they got pegged with a harlot, after most or all the other Pharisees got a harlot they would have thought they had the fleece so in the end they killed the son of the owner of the vineyard thinking they had the fleece, but once the disciples got the holy ghost & those pharisees realized they then basically had nothing, haha,

yes, the pharises killed the son of the vineyard cuz most f not all of them had a harlot & thought in the harlot they had they were going to rule, so in this they stirred the people for the death of Joshua, but after all was said & done & the pharisees found out others could get a similar gift & that basically they were still mortals with no hearings like Christ, & in a term being basically arm chair warriors,

the story of a mom breaking into her son's home
stealing this stealing that, cleaning this or that room,

moving things around,

he doesn't know it's his mom, he ventures to find
out who is breaking in, at some point there are
crossed wires & he uncovers just by digging
of an assassination plan for the president of the

just by mistake as he tries to find who has been
breaking in he uncovers the plot,

the plot involving the state police as no one is
interested in who has been breaking in,

just by mistake he uncovers this plan to assasinate
the President, money laundering & other nation's
state trying to set up the climate for nuclear war,

the police or intelligence being the after generations
of those brought in from project paper clip, the
allegiance of those involved & big banks & the
chicanery or the IMF & the UN,


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