Tuesday 12 November 2013

the books I remember reading,

2 different translations of Sun-Tzu

The Disertations by Machievelli

a biography on Alexander of Macedon

the will to meaning by Viktor Frankl


part of the Sillmarillion

the lord of the rings

the hobbit

norse myths by Snori Snerlson

an end time book on Daniel

WW2 history

some history on the Mossad & the Abu Nidal

some egyptian mythology & history

biblical history

the history of ancient rome

some Farheed Zacharia

som of the new organon by francis bacon

some study on Nietzsche

please understand me two

some CBR warfare

Aramaic new testament

cross referencing 5 different bibles

zen flesh zen bones

some Eckhart tolle

how to make a good screen play great

encyclopedia dramatica

300 comic book

the chrysalids

door into summer

adouls huxtely brave new world

the animal farm

julie of the wolves

a sports aid taping class

hairdressing course

lots of New world order literature

part of the book of enoch

biography of arnold shwarzeneggar

cycle of the werewolf stephen king

eyes of the dragon by stephen king

siddhartha by Herman Hess

lot of study of the etymology of names om www.behindthename.com

that's all I can remember,

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